hospital vists.

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I woke up before joey. as I got out of bed I tried not waking him up. I failed.

he woke up.

joey: morning babe.

I just sat there smiling something about him calling me babe was just ugh I love it.. it gave me a feeling no one has ever given me before. no one.

Meghan: morning

joey: wanna go out to breakfast today?

Meghan: where would we go?

joey:uhh... how bout that new resturaunt down the street?

Meghan:okay! what time do they open?

joey: I think nine.

Meghan: what time is it?

joey: 8:45

Meghan: Kay ill get in the showerfirst so I could do my hair while your in the sshower

joey: good idea!

I got in the shower as he walked to the kitchen to get his glass of water.

I open the curtain and right as I was about to step in, i see the bar of soap in the middle of the bath tub. I was about to step right on it. I tried stopping myself but it was to late. I stepped on it and fell I made a huge thumping noise.

I hear joeys foot steps running up.

joey: meghan!!!!

Meghan: joey! help! help! I think I broke my arm!

(Kay guys I know I'm being really dramatic but..... whatever)

joey: what arm did you hurt?

Meghan: my left one.

joey: let me see it.

joey POV

Meghan slipped on her way in the shower and I got real scared. I'm actually quite happy she just broke her arm. it's not horrible and something that can't be fixed.

as I looked at her arm I can tell there was something wrong with it. I didn't want to freak her out or anything so I had to try and stay calm myself.

joey: I'm sorry I'm not trying to scare you but , I think we need I go to the doctor.

Meghan: I'm naked with a broken arm! how do I put clothes on??

she seemed frustrated , all I wanted to do was help I just didnt know how.

joey: ill help you but you have to get to the emergency room, something can be seriously happening to you arm!

she started crying after that I felt really bad. I tried comforting her the best I can without getting in the bathtub and hurting uher

joey: mMeghan I'm really sorry but, you have to go to the doctor with or without clothes. I know your scared but trust me it'll be fine.

Meghan's POV

at this point im really scared. what if joeys right? what if I have something seriously wrong with my arm?

I know it's just a little slip but still it might just be a fracture but it could also be my whole arm ripped in half.

Meghan: you're right joey I needa go.

joey: thankyou. now. how are you gonna get up ?

Meghan: you are gonna help me that's how!

joey: well... how ... what?

Meghan: just help me up!

joey: okay

he grabbed my waist and shoulder I can tell he tried so hard not hurting my arm, even thigh he moved it and made it hurt real bad it was very thoughtful.

some how joey found a way to put my clothes on. we don't need to get in detail for that part. anyway, we were on our way to the emergency room now and my arm hurts so bad.

joeys pPOV

I'm trying to drive fast but there's cops everywhere. I knew she was in pain. as I drove I kept glancing at her every minute or so. every time I look at her I just see her crying silently trying to hold it back.

we walked in the emergency room and got in right away. the doctor said it can't wait longer.

I was allowed to go in with her, give was a surprise to me since I'm not family yet.

the doctor scanned her arm, as he scanned it he mad really bad faces like something was terribly wrong.

I wasn't allowe to see the X-ray pictures, neither was Meghan.

he walked to Meghan and asked her question like if he has broken her arm before and things like that. he tested her arm by trying to move it up and down and "massaging" it but really he was jut feeling around.

he told Meghan to come sit next to me and he worked in the computer. he walked over to us.

doctor: I'm sorry Meghan but it looks like your arm might be.....

he paused for a second and looked down.

love is never ending( #shoey #moey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now