The Concert (Chapter 1)

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" SSAK DA BULTAEWORA BOW WOW WOW!!!" you screamed with all the other fans around you. 

As you might suspect, you were at a BTS concert. Nice, isn't it? Next up is your favorite part, RM's rap. He's your ultimate bias and you loved hearing him rap. But this time was different. He was performing live, right in front of you. It was so much better then listening to him on your computer.

You didn't know Korean (sorry if you do or if you're Korean, but it's for the sake of the story) so you couldn't rap with him, but you would if you could. Of course, that didn't stop you from singing (shouting) the english parts. You were very loud, but all the other people around you were too.

The fact that your throat will be hella sore tomorrow didn't matter at all right on. You're witnessing a very special moment, a holy moment. Nothing else matters more than watching Namjoon, already sweaty, make those cool poses and killing you with those looks.


After exiting the concert hall (don't know how to call it) you started walking back home with your friend, Hyerin. The two of you decided to have a sleepover at her house after the concert since it was already pretty dark and her house was closer.

You were walking when you felt someone tap your shoulder. Turning around, you saw a familiar face. A VERY familiar face. You didn't know how to react because THE RM from BTS was RIGHT in front of you. He was smiling sweetly at you while you just stared at him like a creep. 

You finally gathered the courage to speak up.

"Oh...u-um..." you said sheepishly.

"Hi! I'm sorry but you left your purse in the concert hall. Here." he said kindly and gathered his breath between words as he handed you the purse.

"Oh..T-thank you very much!" you said with a blush on your face, bowing as you took it. You were so surprised that you didn't even question how he found it in such a big space, or how he even knew that it was yours.

"You're welcome. Oh and I heard you during our concert. You have a pretty nice voice." he said and winked at you. Then he turned around and ran back to the other members who were waiting for him. Jin was already putting his hand around his shoulder.

You were (Jung)shook. Not knowing how to react, you stayed frozen in your place until Hyerin waved her hand in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.

"Heya, you oki??" She asked innocently.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You answered.

"We can talk aboot it at the sleepover if you want." she said with a slight smirk. You blushed.

As you were walking, Hyerin stopped and started fangirling out of nowhere. Well, it wasn't really fangirling. It was more like screaming in a very high pitch.

"What's wrong with you? " you asked, worried about her. Between her screaming you could make out a 'I ship it!' but weren't exactly sure if you heard it right.

You put your hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down whilst looking around afraid that someone might be staring. You saw a girl glaring at you from the distance before she turned around and left.


She unlocked the door and you two walked in. Outside was a bit chilly, you could feel yourself starting to sweat at the warmness of the house.

Since you've been to her house countless times, you already knew your way aroud. Walking up the stairs, you looked down at her as she was still putting her coat on the hanger.

You got comfortable on the floor in her room and she sat on the chair at the table soon after.

"Soo..what's been happening lately?" she asked a little bored.

"Nothing much, the biggest thing this week was today's concert." you answered.

"Yeah, and also what happened after the concert.." she said with a smirk and wiggled her eyebrows. You immediately blushed and looked away.

"So what? He was just being polite! He would've done the same for anyone!" you defended.

"Oh, I'm not talking about that!" she said slyly as she was barely speaking, her voice threatening to turn into a scream like before. Her face was almost purple. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer and warmer.

"Can we just stop talking about it? Pleasee!" you complained while putting your hands over your cheeks to feel them burning. She took a deep breath and her face went back to normal.

"How about we play some computer games or watch some anime?" she suggested while turning on her computer. The familiar Windows logo appeared and transitioned to her account.

You decided to watch (favorite anime) for a while. It was a nice show about (insert short description of your favorite anime), just your type.

After a while, your eyelids started getting heavy and you could barely keep your eyes open. You didn't know if it was because of the computer screen or if you were just tired. Perhaps both?

Either way, you wanted to go to sleep and Hyerin agreed.

She spread the sleeping bags over the floor and the two of you went to sleep. You could feel her constantly turn over as your consciousness left you.


The next morning, you swear you saw RM in your dreams!

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