Stalker (Chapter 14)

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Tuesday. Only 6 more days until Jackson arrives. Hopefully with the rest of Got7, or at least with Mark.

Thankfully, school was already over. In fact, you were just walking home from school. You were walking by yourself which was unusual. It was so weird now without Hyerin.

Oh, what's wrong with Hyerin? No idea. You're going to go check up on her and give her the notes that you copied for her.


You opened the door to her house and walked in. She always comes in uninvited, so you did it too.

"Hyerin? You homeeee?" you called.

You heard coughing coming from her room so you walked in.

"Hey" she said with a weak and husky voice.

"You alright?" you asked her.

"No. I feel horibble. And I know why." she said in a serious tone without the cheery accent that she always talks in.

"Here, I copied these notes for you. I can make you some soup if you want." She didn't respond. You turned around and saw that she was asleep.


You spent your time at her place doing homework and when you were done, you prepared the soup. You brought it to her room. Fortunately, she was already half awake. She got up as soon as you walked in. You sat at her bed and took a spoonful of soup.

"Say 'Aaaaaahhhh'." you instructed as you placed the spoon in front of her mouth. She looked at you with a 'seriously?' face and took the spoon from you.

"I swear, I am so done with you right now." she said before slurping the soup.

"Anyways, you said that you knew why you're sick, right?" you asked.

"Yeah, I don't know if you noticed, but yesterday at lunch time... I swear I saw Laura put something in my water. No,wait! You were at the bathroom then! Yes! And she poisoned my drink with something when I wasn't looking." she tried to stay serious while explaining, but clearly didn't know what she was talking about.

"Then why did you drink it?" you asked.

"I thought I was just seeing things..." she said.

"Well, she should be arrested! You can't just poison people!"

"...come to think of it, I could have gotten sick because I fell in that lake yesterday..." she thought out loud.

"What lake?"

"Oh, yesterdaaaay, Hobi and I took a waaaaalk when we got bored of video gaaaaames. And I accidentaly fell into the laaaaake. And it was cooooold" she said innocently and whined and streched out a few words.

"You pabo! That IS why you are sick! Laura didn't do anyhing!" you said angrily.

"Oh, but she did! I saw her! I swear!" she defended.


"Feel free to leave me to rest when you feel like it..." she said after finishing the soup.

"Alright. I can see that I'm not wanted here. Get well soon and bye!" you said and left.

Hyerin was already asleep when you said that.


"Now, I have to go home and change and then I can go visit BTS..." you said to yourself while walking home.

You didn't even realize that someone was following you....


You were chilling with BTS at their place. Well, mostly Namjoon 'cause he's the only one that knows english. Still, it was fun. They even performed (favorite BTS song). You noticed that Hobi wasn't acting as happy and hyper as always. That's probably because he was worried about Hyerin. You already reassured him that everything's fine, with Namjoon's help of course.

"Sleep. Night." Suga said and went to his room.

"Me too." said Hobi and followed after him.

That's weird, Suga always goes to sleep or takes naps, but J-Hope too!?

'Ah well, they went to sleep in the same room! Yoonseok skinship time!' you blush at the though and put your hands on your cheeks.

'Oh,wait! Calm down! You're with BTS now, they can't find out about this side of you.'

"Well it is getting pretty late, I should go home." you said and got up.

"Wait! It's dark outside. Let me come with you." Namjoon suggested.

You really wanted him to go with you and you were afraid of the dark, but you didn't want to trouble him.

"No, it's okay!"

"Please! I don't want anything to happen to you." he said and then whispered something that you didn't quiet understand.

"Oh, fine!" you said.


"Hey, I noticed your face got very red when Yoongi and Hoseok left. Care to explain?" Namjoon said.

"Oh, nothing. I was just surprised that they were going to sleep in the same room." you said and waved your hand.

"Were you having inappropriate thoughts?" he said and smirked at you. You just blushed.

"N-no! Don't be stupid!" you said. He laughed at you.

"Hey, you used to call me oppa, why'dya stop?" he asked.

"I did? I don't remember doing it!"

"Well you did. And I'd love it if you would start doing it again!" he said.

Soon enough, you were at your house. Namjoon left and didn't ask for a kiss this time. When you came in, you looked out the window to see if he was still there.

You could see him walking away.......

......... but you could also see someone following him....

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