Early (Chapter 19)

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There he was standing.

At your front door.

Right in front of you. (Well, not really)




Mark Tuan..... and Jackson but your focus was on Mark, who was standing behind Jackson.

"Oh, h-hi there." you said sheepishly.

"Hi, are you Nina?" Jackson asked you. You just nodded your head and took a quick glance at Mark to see him staring at you.

"I'm Jackson, Hyerin's cousin." he explained.

"Yes, I know." you smiled at him. "Weren't you supposed to come tomorrow?"

"Yeah, turns out we came earlier. I told Hyerin, she was supposed to tell you." he said.

"Eh, she probably forgot, nothing new." you said. "Come in."

They came in and you lead them to the living room where everyone else was. They all turned around to look at them with surprised faces, except for Heidi who didn't know who they were and Hyerin who knew they were coming.

"Hey guys, Jackson and Mark are here." you introduced them, although Namjoon, Jimin and Hyerin already knew them.

"Yah, I forgot to tell you they were coming early. Sorry Unnie." Hyerin apologized and paused the movie.

"Wait! Nina, Hyerin, you know them?" Namjoon asked, and I'm sure Jackson and Mark thought the same for them.

"Jackson is Hyerin's cousin." you explained.

"But he's Chinese, and she's Korean." Jimin pointed out.

"My uncle, her father, is Chinese and her mother is Korean." Jackson explained.

"Oooohhh" Namjoon and Jimin thought at the same time.

"So, why are you here?" Namjoon asked, a bit annoyed.

"Why, I came to see you, my dear friend!" Jackson said happily and put his arm around Namjoon's neck and sat down next to him.

"I swear, you're more obsessed with me than the fangirls." Namjoon said.

"Do you want to watch the rest of It with us?" Heidi offered.

"Sure." Mark said and sat down in between you and Jackson.

You continued watching the movie. It was nearing the end, so it was very scary and intense. There were a few jumpscares and scary moments so you subconsciously grabbed onto Mark. You didn't realize it at first, but you were very embarrassed when you did and apologized right away, he just chuckled at you. What you didn't notice was that every time you did it, Namjoon  would look at the both of you, mostly at Mark, with jealousy and envy.

The movie ended and it was time to discuss what to do.

"Hyerin's mom told us to come get her here and bring her home." Jackson said.

"She also said that she thought only Jackson would be coming, so she prepared only one guest room." Mark added. When Hyerin heard this, she smirked. Trouble!

"Mark, what if you stayed here with Nina? Her parents are away so there's enough room." she suggested slyly.

"What if-""Is that alright with you, Mark?" Hyerin asked and interrupted Namjoon, who was probably about to save you from Hyerin's evil plan.

"If it's alright with you." Mark said politely and looked at you.

"Yeah, it's fine." you said. You didn't want to be rude, and you actually wanted to spend more time with Mark, but this was embarrassing.

"Alright guys, let's go." Hyerin said and they all left. "Byee!"


You neatly made the bed in the guest room while Mark was getting ready for bed. He came in when he was done.

"Good night." you told him and exited the room.

"Night." he answered.

It was a good night indeed.

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