Alone Together (Chapter 7)

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"Mmmmm! These pancake really good!" said V in his broken english while stuffing his face with your homemade pancakes.

"Yesu!" shouted Jungkook.

"I agree, they're really good." said RM and you blushed slightly. You looked over at Jin, who made himself a sandwich and looked quiet displeased.

"Everything okay, Jin?" you asked in concern.

"Errthing arright" he said and smiled at you politely. You could hear Tae whisper-shout a 'jealous!' and he almost immediately got hit in the back of the head by Jin.

There was an awkward silence until Hoseok broke it. He said something in Korean to Hyerin so you didn't really understand but you heard a word 'shopping' so you quietly smiled to yourself.

"Oki" Hyerin agreed to whatever J-Hope said.

'The plan is in action' you thought to yourself. Everyone went to their rooms to get ready for the day so you did as well. You got to your room and did your morning after-breakfast routine. (I mean c'mon! Who brushes their teeth BEFORE breakfast!? That doesn't make any sense!) You got dressed after that and went to the living room where everyone except for RM was at the door ready to leave.

"Hm? What's going on?" you acted surprised but, in fact you knew all about this.

"Oh! Hobi, Kookie, Pi, Chimchim, Sugar and Eomma are goin' shopping. They said I could choose whateva I want, and that'll be their birthday present for meh." she said happily while jumping up and down and holding your hands.

"Annyeong!" she said and ran out while the boys followed her.

"Bye!" you said even though you knew they didn't hear you.

"Well, now we can finally start preparing her birthday party." Namjoon said behind you, which startled you.

"Ah! Why do you always scare me like that!?" you said with the voice of a distressed child.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." he apologized.

"No worries. Anyways, let's go!" you said enthusiastically.


You were putting up the paper sign that said 'Happy Birthday' when Namjoon came over to you.

"Need any help?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm alright." you said. When you were done, you stepped off of the stool you were standing on.

"So, you live alone?" he asked.

"Well, right now yes, m-my parents are on a trip together. But they'll be back soon." you said.

'The stuttering had decreased! YAASS!' you happily thought to yourself.

"That's great. It's fun to have some time to yourself, right?" he said, trying to cheer you up.

"Yeah, I guess..." you said unsure. There was, once again, an awkward silence.

"So, who are your parents anyway?" he said trying to break the tension.

"Um.. Their names are Magus and Alec..." you said. (Yes, your parents are the best gay couple from Shadow Hunters xD This is just for you Switzy )

"Oh..." he said. You chuckled at his confused expression.

"Alec is my real dad, but my mom passed away. He couldn't bring himself to look at other women ever since. But then he met Magnus and... well things happened." you explained (I J-Hope u don't mind me messing with ur backstory)

"Oh.. I'm sorry, I didn't know." He said sadly.

"No, it's alright. I-I wasn't really all that close to my mom...and Magnus is really cool." you admitted.

"Alright, let's get back to work!" you said and went to get some confetti.


"Phew! Finally, we're done." Namjoon said and sat down on the couch, next to you.

"Yeah..." you said awkwardly.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" he asked curiously.

"Go ahead." you said impatiently wanting to talk to him.

"Who is your BTS Bias?" he asked. You opened your mouth to say 'RM' but you remembered that you were talking to him so you quickly stopped yourself.

"Umm. that's a secret." you said slyly. He immediately pouted.

"Ohh, c'mon I won't tell him, I promise!" he said.

"Nope." you said and crossed your arms.

"Pleaseeee... At least give me a hint" he begged childishly.

"Fine... Let's just say he's a real monster when it comes to rapping" you said and smiled at him, waiting for his reaction. He looked like he just discovered the secret of life or something.

That's when you heard the doors open and J-Hope shouting "We're hoomeeeee! Finally!"

"That's our cue. Close the lights and get behind the couch!" Namjoon whispered to you and got up. You closed the lights and followed him behind the couch. The doors opened and the lights were turned on.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HYERIN!!!" BTS and you shouted at her. She looked very surprised and happy.

"Thank you soooo much guiz!!" she shouted and pulled everyone in for a group hug.

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