Answers (Chapter 15)

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Wednesday. Only 5 days left...

Well, that's not so important anymore. Why? Because today you are going to have a talk with Namjoon. He said you could ask him anything and he will answer it. So, here you were, sitting in his room. He was making tea for the two of you and told you to wait for him there and make yourself comfortable in the meantime. You had so many questions to ask him that you completely forgot about. That's why you prepared yourself. You wrote down all the questions that you could think off. Carefully considering all the events from last week and this week.

The door opened and Namjoon walked in with two cups of tea in his hands. He set them on the table and walked out. Later, he returned with a box of cookies. He closed the door and locked them.

"Alright, ask away." he said and took a seat on the bed next to you.

"Okay. This has been bugging me since the concert. Why are you guys still here in (name of the place where you live)? I mean, shouldn't you have returned to Korea?" you asked and picked up your cup.

"About that... we had to stay because... well, we like this place so we wanted to stay a bit." he said ad took a sip of tea.

"Oh, and when are you going back to Korea?" you asked.

"Honestly, I really don't know. But we're not leaving anytime soon!" he answered.

"Alright, now let's talk about that girl that Jin told me about."

"We're back to that?" he asked disappointed.

"First of all! Is it that new girl, Laura?" you asked.

"No, why?"

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe this?" you said sarcastically and showed him the picture on your phone. 

"Oh that? No. She said she was just a fan and wanted a picture with me. I agreed and we got ready to take the picture but then she took my hand and  put it around her shoulder." he said but you could tell he was lying. 

"Well, it looks to me like you put it there by yourself. Otherwise, you would probably look very surprised in the picture." you said suspiciously.

"Ahh, fine. You got me." he said and raised his hands. "She told me she knew who my crush was or as you would say 'the girl' and threatened that if I don't go on a date with her and do what she says for a day, she will tell her." he confessed.

"WAIT WHAT!? How does she know about 'the girl' and all that stuff!?" you shouted in surprise. You were also surprised that he knew you used the term 'the girl' for whoever is that girl that he's in love with.

"I don't know! But I'm 100% sure she knows who this girl is and could easily tell her." he said.

'Could it be someone from our school? Is it.... could it perhaps be Soorin? Laura has been bugging and annoying her since her first day. No, couldn't be! But then again, Hyerin doesn't really like her and definitely knows something I don't...Ah, what am I thinking!? Soorin's my friend! She would tell me if she knew anything!' you thought.

"Fine, can you tell me who is 'the girl' is?" you asked. 

"Nope." he said and smiled at you.

"Pleaseeeeee? I won't tell anyone!" you pleaded.

"Nope." he said and took the last sip of his tea.

"Can you at least give me a hint?" you said. "I gave you a hint when you asked me who my bias is!"

"Okay, fine." he gave up.

"Let's see... She goes to your school, she really cute and funny and caring and nice and beautiful and I know I'm not helping you right now but I can't think of a good hint sorry." he said all in one breath.

"You pabo." you said.

"Okay, how about this? Her beautiful voice is no match for the hungry fangirls screaming around her." he said.

You wrote it down quickly but couldn't really guess who it was.

"This doesn't really help but I'll try to crack it." you said.

"Yeah, I think it's obvious that I'm much better at giving hints than you are." he said and smiled at you. You could see his cute dimples.

"Okay, I'm going home now. See ya!" you said and left.


You were at home, trying hard to find out who 'the girl' is with the help of the hint that Namjoon gave you. You didn't call Hyerin 'cause she probably wouldn't be any help right now.

  "Her beautiful voice is no match for the hungry fangirls screaming around her."

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