Your happy ending (Chapter 20)

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You were lying in a beautiful field full of flowers and butterflies. The Sun was shining and it was warm.

You felt a hand grab yours and looked to the left. You saw Namjoon lying down next to you, holding your left hand. Then you felt a hand grab your right hand, and you looked in the other direction to see Mark, also lying down next to you.

"What are you doing? Let go of her hand!" Namjoon said to Mark.

"No way! You let her go!" Mark shouted back.

"She's mine! I found her first!" Namjoon shouted angrily and enveloped you in his arms. You blushed madly.

"Well, she obviously likes me more!" Mark said and pulled you away from Namjoon.

"How about we let her decide?" Namjoon suggested, still angry.

"Alright. Nina, who do you choose?" Mark asked. They both stood in front of you, patiently awaiting your response.

"I choose.." you started. You couldn't control your voice, it spoke on it's own...

.....then, you woke up.

"Uff, what a dream.." you said to yourself.

You got out of bed, took a shower and changed into a white t-shirt, jeans and red converse. Then, you went downstairs to make breakfast. It was pancakes today.


You were done with the pancakes. You made extra or Mark. As you were setting the pancakes on the table, Mark walked into the living room.

"Good morning!" you greeted him.

"Morning." he said in a sleepy tone.

"I made pancakes. Want some?" you asked.

"Sure." he said and sat at the table. He took a bite.

"Mmmmm... these are really good." he said and ate some more. You chuckled at him.

"I'm glad." you said and started eating. There was silence while you ate until you decided to break it.

"Do you have any plans today?" you asked him.

"Yeah, Hyerin is going to show Jackson and I around town. We're going to be on our own when she's in school so we at least gotta know our way around here." he said.

"Oh, okay."


Since Mark was busy, you went over to the BTS dorm. You met Heidi on the way there so you went together. This time, the door was opened by Suga who instantly moved aside to let you in and didn't say anything. 

You walked in and looked around. Jungkook was drawing and Namjoon was admiring his skills. Taehyung was leaning on Jungkook's back and had his arms around his neck. His chin was resting on the maknae's  head as he was observing the drawing. Jin and Jimin were washing the dishes together and Hobi was lying on the couch wrapped in a comforter, watching TV. Suga sat down on the couch and put Hobi's head in his lap. It was simply adorable.

"What're you guys doing today?" you asked.

"Kookie, Jiminie, Jin and I are going practice." Taehyung said.

"Yeah, and Hobi and I are gon' sleep all day" Suga said.

"We are?" Hobi asked surprised.

"Yes. I won't take no for an answer." Suga said confidently.

"Are they, like, a thing?" Heidi whispered in your ear. You just shrugged. One thing's for sure, they are getting much better at english.

"Heidi, you want to watch us practice?" Jungkook asked and winked at her. 

"Suree." she said and looked at you evily. 


Yeah, so they all went somewhere to leave you and Namjoon all alone. They must've planned this.

"Want to go out and get some food?" Namjoon asked.


You went to McDonald's again. Namjoon ordered the Happy Meal, AGAIN. You were sitting at the table, slowly eating your food.

"Remember the last time we were here?" Namjoon asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah, you broke your toy." you said.

"I won't do it this time!" he said confidently. Just then, something popped.




"Okay, I take that back!" he said. You started laughing like crazy and soon, he joined you. You were having so much fun with him. He was really great. Someone who truly deserved the title of your Ultimate Bias. Of course, he didn't know this. He knew he was your BTS Bias, but not your Ultimate Bias. That was a huge difference. 

You thought back to the time when you revealed to him that he is your Bias. You remembered what he said :

' "mff.. alright.. my bias is.... you" you admitted.

You were ready to start crying when he says that 'he doesn't like you like that' or 'he doesn't want to hang out with you anymore' but instead you got a:

"I'm glad. I didn't think someone as beautiful as you would ever choose me as her bias."

"Oh oppa, don't be so self conscious! There's a lot of girls who like you!" you said, turning all the shyness from before into slight anger.

"I know, but it wouldn't mean anything if the girl I like didn't like me back..." he said.'

Now that you think about it, it really does sound like he likes you. You smiled.

"Hey, oppa." you started.

"Hm?" he asked as he ate the last french fry.

"Let's go to the park." you said.


You two were both sitting on the swings, watching the sunset together. He took a hold of your hand and held it firmly. You didn't move, you enjoyed it. When the sun almost set you looked at him.

"Hey, I think I know who 'the girl' is." you said.

"So you figured it out after all." he said and smiled.

The two of you looked into each others eyes for a minute before you started inching closer. Your faces were getting closer and closer to each others. Just as the sun set, your lips met. You were blushing like crazy. His lips were very soft and the kiss was gentle. You pulled away and looked at him. He raised his hand and caressed your face. You blushed even more and looked down, before finally gaining the courage to look him in the eyes. You remembered the dream...

' "I choose..."  '

"...Namjoon," you said. " I choose you."

He smiled and hugged you. It was a warm hug full of love. You hugged him back. The hug lasted for a while, until you finally pulled away.

"It's late. We should head back." he said.

You got up and Namjoon took your hand. You walked back together, hand in hand. Feeling safe in his presence.

 You were finally at peace, no worries, no mysteries. You got your answers...

... and your happy ending.

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