An unexpected visitor (Chapter 18)

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Saturday morning! No school!

Time to visit BTS.


Again, you ringed the doorbell with Hyerin and Heidi standing behind you. The door was opened by Jungkook and he let you in.

When you came in, you saw Taehyung and Jin sitting on the couch together, watching TV. You immediately remembered what you saw yesterday and looked away with a blush. Instead, your eyes moved over to the table where Suga was feeding soup to J-Hope who was wrapped in a comforter. He saw you staring.

"Sick." he said.

Which meant that J-Hope was sick. He probably got it from Hyerin. Sitting at the table next to them was Namjoon, who was reading. He looked up from his book and nodded his head in acknowledgement. You sat next to him and looked at the book. Of course, he was reading (favorite book) again.

"How much did you read?" you asked him.

"I'm almost at the end..." he said absentmindedly.

You didn't have anything better to do so you started reading the book with him. You already read it a million times, but it wouldn't hurt to do it again. You lost yourself in the book and lost track of time. You didn't even know what was happening around you. Everyone left the living room and you and Namjoon were the only ones left, of course, you didn't notice. The book was suddenly closed which startled you.

"That's enough reading for today. We've been reading for 5 hours." Namjoon said and put the book on the table.

"Five hours!? Didn't you say you were almost at the end?" you asked surprised.

"The letters are small." he whined and pouted. You chuckled at his behaviour.

At that moment, Hyerin came out of Hobi's room and took your hand. She led you away from Namjoon, in the bathroom, locked the door and pushed you in a corner.

"Girl!" she said and tried to find the right words.

"I think oniichan is seeing someone!" she shouted in your ear.

"Hyerin, first, Jin isn't your oniichan and second, why do you think so?" you asked. But you already knew.

"Well, I just have this feeling, ya know, as his sister." she said and you face palmed.

You decided to tell her everything you saw yesterday and made it clear to keep it a secret. You even made her pinky-swear. The two of you exited the bathroom and she returned to Hobi's room. 

'Wait, why did she suddenly leave Hobi just to tell me that? Did he tell her something that made her suspicious? Does he know as well?' you wondered.

"What was that all about?" Namjoon asked you.

"Oh, nothing! Don't worry about it. Want to talk about the book?"

"Sure, but don't spoil the ending!"


You, Hyerin and Heidi were walking home together. You all agreed to stay over at your house, there's no school tomorrow so you can stay up and have a slumber party. It's weird how fast Heidi became a very close friend of yours. On your way, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around and saw Namjoon and Jimin running towards you.

"Can we come with you, please?" Jimin pleaded with puppy eyes and a pouty face.

"We heard you were going to have a sleepover, is it okay if we joined you?" Namjoon explained. You all agreed to let them join and continued walking.

While you were (sleeping xD) walking to your house, it started to rain so you had to run the rest of the way. You were all wet, so one by one you took a shower, with you going last, and you let the girls borrow your spare pajamas. Namjoon and Jimin fortunately brought their own pajamas. When you all got changed you decided to watch a horror movie. The choice was between It 2017 and The shining. You all chose It, it was supposed to be scarier. Before starting the movie you all made yourselves comfortable on the couch. From left to right it was Hyerin, Heidi, Jimin, Namjoon and you. Then, you went to the kitchen and made some popcorn  and you were all ready to go.

You just started watching and it didn't take long for scary stuff to start happening. It got pretty intense and you knew there was going to be a jumpscare soon. You were totally ready. Just when it was about to happen, the doorbell rang and startled you. You screamed and fell off of the couch and on the floor. Jimin and Heidi just laughed at you, Hyerin would as well but she was stuffing her face with popcorn and was too focused on the movie.

"Hey, you should get that." Heidi said.

"Yeah, on my way!" you said while getting up and rubbed your head.

You walked to the door. You were kinda scared to open it, I mean, you were just watching a horror movie and the doorbell rang, not to mention it's pretty late and it's still raining outside. Cautiously and hesitantly, you opened the door. What you saw surprised you.

There he was standing.

At your front door.

Right in front of you.




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