Sasaeng (Chapter 12)

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Day one. Monday morning. School. This day is going to be one of the worst days in your life for many obvious reasons.

You got out of your bed, took a shower, put on your uniform, brushed you teeth and went outside where Hyerin was already waiting for you. She looked very grumpy and tired just like every other Monday.

"Come on, ya grump! Let's go to school!" you said and pulled her along.


You were sitting in class when the bell ringed. The teacher walked in with a girl.

'She doesn't look familiar. She must be a new student' you thought.

"Hello class, today we have a new student joining us. Please introduce yourself." the teacher said.

"Hello everyone. My name is Laura, I'm from (someplace u hate(snakeu) or don't like)." she said.

"Thank you, Laura. You can go sit over there, next to Kenneth" the teacher said and pointed at an empty seat.

'Oh boy. Kenneth is known for being a big flirt. He was also Hyerin's first crush. This will be interesting...'


The second period was finally over. Now it was time for your favorite thing about school. Lunchtime! You took your plate of food and sat at a table, next to Hyerin.

"Hey, unnie!" she greeted you.

"Hey, jagi! You doing anything today?"

"Yep. Hobi and I are gon' play Danganronpa together"

"Oooh, so it's a daate" you teased her.

"No u dumass!" she replied in an angry but cute tone and pouted.

Gosh, she was such a child.

"Excuse me, ladies. Do you mind if I sit with you?" the new girl, Laura, said.

"Yes, we do." Hyerin replied. Her high pitched voice sounded very weird when she was being serious like that.

"No, we don't." you said.

"Thaaaaanks." Laura said and sat down next to Soorin.

"Soo... Rinnie, I heard you were talking about 'Hobi', am I right?"

"None of your business." Hyerin said in a scary tone.

'Did this girl do something to Hyerin? Why is she acting like this?' you thought.

"Well, did you by any chance mean Hobi as in J-Hope? From BTS?"

"You know them?" you asked, surprised.

"Of course I do! They are THE BEST Kpop group EVER! I LOVE THEM SOOOOOO MUCH!" Laura fangirled.

"Oh, and who's your bias?" You had to make sure it wasn't RM. Or J-Hope.

"Weeeeell... I really love all of them but I would probably have to saaaayyy Rap Monster. I mean c'mon! Who doesn't love him? He great! And smart! And the leader! His dimple's are SOOOOOO CUTE! I really ca-" Her fangirling was stopped when Hyerin shoved a spoon in her mouth.

'She reads my mind.'

"Oh, really? It just so happens that my ULTIMATE bias is also RM." you said calmly, but it was obvious to both of you that you were basiclly telling her to f**** off. That's why you made sure to say 'ultimate' a bit louder and streched it out.

"Woow! Really? Aww that's too bad! I feel so bad for you now..." she fake pouted.

Yeah, you two won't get along well at all.

What that 'b****' doesn't know is that you already know RM and are good friends with him.




At least you hope you are.
You still gave to make up after that fight.

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