Mystery (Chapter 2)

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You were taking a stroll through the park in hopes of getting your mind off of last nights events.

'He just returned my purse, nothing else! He would've done the same for anyone!' you kept thinking to yourself.

'But he also winked at me! HE WINKED AT ME!! And he said I have a nice voice! He complimented me!! Oppa noticed me!!' the fangirl side of you kept thinking.

' That's called fanservice, you sasaeng...' your savage side thought.

You were walking when you accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was go-..." you stopped talking when you saw who you bumped into. It was RM again! What a coincidence! He was wearing one of those black masks they always wear when they travel or go out. He took it down so you could see his whole face and it mesmerized you.

"Oh, don't worry. It was my fault! After all, I'm the one walking around while looking at my phone." he said kindly.

You were barely holding in your fangirling. You just wanted to scream and hug him, but you didn't want to cause a scene or embarass yourself in front of HIM. You were so busy trying not to fangirl that you forgot you were staring at him the whole time.

"Oh, you're that girl from the concert, right? I'm sorry, I never caught your name." he said kindly.

"Um..I'm N-Nina. It's nice to meet you. U-um, I al-already know your n-name soo.. you don't h-have to, to.." you trailed off. It was hard to keep up a conversation with someone you were drooling over every minute of your life. If only he knew about all of your fantasies...

"Well it was nice meeting you Nina! I have to go now but I hope we meet again!" he said and smiled at you before walking away.

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Feeling relieved he left, but also very disappointed. Even though interacting with him was hard, you loved being near him. He was so handsome in both real life and in pictures and videos, but the real deal is much better.


When you came back home you immediately called Hyerin. It was always a tradition for you to call each other when something happens.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey Rin! You'll never guess what just happened!" you said loudly, impatient to tell her EVERY.SINGLE.DETAIL.

"Oh gawd." she said preparing herself for a looong story.


You were laying in bed trying to fall asleep but there was something bugging you. Remembering the conversation you has with Soorin, a certain thought just wouldn't leave your mind.

"Shouldn't have they left (your city) this morning?"

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