Obssesed (Chapter 9)

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You were walking through a dark valley. It was dirty and full of trash.

Suddenly, you heard music coming from behind you. You turned around and saw RM. You wanted to go up to him, but you noticed that something was wrong.

"Take it off now, girl. Just take it off." he started singing.

"I'm a master, baby, with your bra."

'WTF!?' you thought.

"Take it off now, girl. Just take it off." as he sang, a smirk formed on his face and he was looking right at you. You turned around to run away, but he started singing right in your ear.

"I can help you slide those panties off."

You finally started running away, but the singing didn't stop.

"Dim the lights now, baby. Dim the lights."

You made a sharp turn to the right and bumped right into Namjoon.

"Imma beat that p**** like you never ever felt before." he sang as he took a hold of your wrist.

You closed your eyes and started to scream.


You opened your eyes again to the sight of the guest room that you and Hyerin stayed at yesterday night.

'Oh, thank God. That was just a dream...' you thought relieved.

You got up slowly and spotted Hyerin sleeping in her guest bed.

'Oh, that's right. We decided to stay the night again 'cause it was really late.' you thought as you remembered why you were here.

You went into the bathroom and took a hot, steamy shower. After the shower, you felt nice and refreshed. You walked outside, into the long hallway and made your way to the kitchen to find Jin sitting at the table with his head burried in his hands. He was crying.

"Jin? What's wrong?" you asked him in concern.

"Oh Nina-ah! I don't know what to dooo." Jin said and started crying more.

"What's wrong? What happened? Maybe I can help." you said.

"Werr, Namjoonie met some girr and now he's arr obssesed with her and he's being very mean to me and other members!" Jin said.

"Oh that's horrible!"

You felt bad for Jin. But you also wanted to know who this girl was. You were very heartbroken to hear that your ultimate bias was obssesed with some girl and was acting mean to the other memebers because of her.

"Nuuu! Oniichan, don't cry!" Hyerin shouted and ran over to give Jin a hug. She started running her fingers through his hair and trying to calm him down. She always did this to you when you were sad. Somehow, she always knows how to make people relax.

"This is unbeliebubble! Who would dare make my oniichan cry!"

"Hey! Stapb it! Or I'll call the Copyright police!"

Well at least she managed to make him feel better.


This is it! You were going to ask Namjoon about the girl. You knocked on his door, and soon he opened them.

"Yes?" he asked you and smiled.

"Hey, we need to talk. Can I come in?" you asked sheepishly.

"Sure, come in." he opened the door wider and stepped aside to let you in. You walked in and sat on his bed, noticing your favorite book on his bed as well.

'He must've been reading it." you though.

"So, what did you need to talk about?" he asked curiously.

"Well, Jin told me that you met this girl... and that you've been acting mean towards him and the other members since you met her..."

After that, there was a long silence. Namjoon wasn't responding so you looked at him. He was staring at the floor.

"So, he told you, huh?" he said, weirdly calm.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about tha-" "He's lying"





"He's lying. I'm not being mean to him."

"What!? Then why did I find him crying in the kitchen this morning!?" you were starting to get a little angry at him now.

"He's just jelaous. He thinks that Namjin is real, so now that I found a girl, he's getting clingy."

"But still! You should be nicer to your hyung!"

"I am! He thinks that just because I don't listen to him once that I'm being mean!" he shouted. You noticed that he was getting annoyed, but you weren't done yet.

"Namjoon! Don't blame Jin for this! He's always nice to everyone, I'm sure he wasn't being clingy, he was just worried about you!" you raised your voice a little. He opened his mouth to say something and possibly shouth, but he stopped himself.

"Please, just go out of my room. I need to be alone right now..." he said and pointed to the door.


You left, not wanting to argue with him anymore.

'I can't believe I just argued with my ultimate bias! You pabo!' you thought to yourself.

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