This is my crazy friend (Chapter 4)

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You were walking with Hyerin to the BTS dorm. They told you to come by anytime you want and since Soorin begged you to take her there, you did.

You arrived and ringed the doorbell. After a few minutes, the door was opened. The one who opened it was Jin Eomma😛.

"Oh, annyeonghaseyo Nina! Wercome back." he said politely and opened the door wider to let you in. That's when he noticed Hyerin.

"Je ireum-eun Hyerin imnida. Mannaseo bangapseumnida (My name is Hyerin. Pleased to meet you)
(I used Google (not translate))" she introduced herself in Korean.

Hyerin moved to (your city) from Korea when she was 12 and that's when you met each other.

"Chonun Seokjin imnida (My names Seokjin)" he said happily and smiled. Then he nodded his head and moved aside to let you in. 

"Ahhh, I wish Jin-oppa was my oniichaaan." Hyerin whined quietly while walking in. Leave it to Hyerin to say weird things at random times.

When you came in you saw Jungkook and Taehyung sitting at the table conversing and Jimin watching TV. They all looked at you, mostly Hyerin since they didn't know her. She introduced herself to them and they greeted her. Jin told her something in Korean and she just looked at you and smiled.

"What did he say?" you asked her silently.

"Ah, nothing, he went to get Namjoon." she said still smiling. 

Jin came back with RM behind him. He was holding a book in his hand. When he saw you, he smiled and nodded his head. 

"Hi Nina." he said while smiling and looking into your eyes.

"Hey." you answered with a blush and looked away.

"You know each other?" Jin asked you and Namjoon.

'Oh, that's right! He wasn't here when Jimin brought me here!' you thought.

"We met after the concert and yesterday in the park." Namjoon explained to him.


You noticed Namjoon looking at Hyerin confused.

"Um.. this is my crazy friend, Hyerin" you told him. He laughed at how you described her and extended his hand to her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Namjoon." he said.

Hyerin took his hand and smiled politely while the expression on Namjoon's face told you he was in pain. You chuckled silently knowing why.

"So, is Hoseok here? Hyerin really wanted to meet him be-" you were interrupted by a hand that covered your mouth and a quick and silent 'pls shutap' from Hyerin. When she removed her hand you just chuckled at her new shy personality. Jungkook said something in Korean and then left.

"Kamsahamnida" Hyerin replied nodding her head at him. He came back with Hoseok. Hyerin imidiately ran up to him and introduced herself. At first he looked uncomfortable, thinking it was one of those crazy fans, but soon they were talking together like normal people.

You turned to Namjoon and noticed the book in his hands. It was that book Jimin bought, he said it was for a friend. It was also your favorite book (sorry for saying this every time the book is mentioned, I just want to remind you guys ^u^). 

" read (favorite book)?" you said, happy you didn't stutter.

"Yeah, I wanted to read it for a while now." he said looking down at the book while bringing his hand higher to give you a better view of it's cover.

"W-well.. it's my favorite book. D-do you like it?" you asked unsure.

"Yeah, it's great. I really like it." he said.

"I'm glad." you smiled cutely at him, finally getting the courage to look him in the eyes. 

You spent the rest of the day with BTS ; you were talking, playing video games, watching TV and such.


When you arrived at your house it was already pretty dark. You were worried about Hyerin, you didn't want her to go home all alone at this hour, so you invited her in. You had a sleepover again and talked about everything that happened since the last sleepover.

You fell asleep with a smile on your face.

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