A new friend (Chapter 16)

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Thursday. Only 4 days left... You were at school. The first period will start in a few minutes and some students still haven't gotten to school. You were bored. You would talk to Hyerin, but she was still sick. Kenneth was visibly affected by her absence.

Then, the doors opened and Laura walked in. She started walking to her desk which was behind you, unfortunately. She stops at your desk and looks at you.

"I see you're trying to take my Namjoonie oppa away from me. You will pay." she says in a creepy tone and stared at you with wide eyes for a few minutes. Then she moved on and sat at her desk.

'What a sasaeng!' you thought.

The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

Throughout the whole period you could feel her eyes on you, but you tried to ignore it.


The second period ended and it was lunch break. You sat at the desk where you would usually sit with Hyerin.

"Can I sit here?" someone asked. You looked up and saw Heidi. She was a nice person so you let her sit with you.

"So, what brings you here, Heidi?" you asked.

"I thought I would join you now that Hyerin isn't here. You looked pretty lonely." she said and started eating her fish burger.

"That's really nice of you." you said.

"Hey, do you by any chance know BTS?" you asked.

"Hmmm, sounds familiar but no." she said.

"They're a famous K-Pop group. They had a concert here recently and they're still here." you explained.

"Ohh, yeah I heard about the concert!" she said.

"Would you like to meet them?" you asked.

"Sure, I guess. Do they know english?" she asked.

"Well, kinda. But their leader speaks english fluently. Others are... well barely understandable." you said.

"Oh, good. When are we going?"

"How about after school?"



You ringed the doorbell this time instead of knocking. The door was opened, once again by Jimin.

"Annyeong!" he said and smiled.

"Hi, Jimin. This is Heidi. Heidi, this is Jimin." you introduced them to each other.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Heidi said and extended her hand. He took it.

"Nice to meet you, too." he said.

"Come in." he said and moved aside. You two walked in and saw the other members in the living room.

"Hi guys, this is my friend Heidi." you said. They all greeted her and introduced themselves. The Maknae line took Heidi away, probably to play video games or something. J-Hope was lying on the couch, still sad because Hyerin couldn't come and Suga was surprisingly hugging and caressing him. It was such a cute sight.

You sat at the table next to Namjoon and took out your books.

"We got a lot of homework at school, I hope you don't mind if I do it now. I think I'll need some help with this." you said and opened your maths note book.

"Sure, I can help you. I'm great at maths." Namjoon said.

"Alright, I'll make some cookies." Jin said and went to the kitchen.


You were lying in your bed, texting Hyerin. She was getting much better and might come to school next week.  Jackson and Mark are definitely coming to (your town) and they'll arrive very late on Sunday. That's all you knew for now.

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