Birthday Pancakes (Chapter 6)

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It was morning.

You slowly opened your eyes but quickly closed them as the sun shined in your eyes. You got up and rubbed your eyes. As you started walking to the bathroom you saw that Hyerin was still asleep. Your eyes suddenly winded in realization as you remembered;


You went into the bathroom that was in your room and did your morning routine. You wondered what to get her for her birthday.

'First of all, how about I make her a great breakfast? Let's see.... she loves pancakes, A LOT! Well then, pancakes it is! Off to the kitchen!' you thought.

You opened the door and started stomping through the hallway, hopefully going the right way. You wondered around this big MANSION, but couldn't find a kitchen. You were so lost you didn't even know where your room was anymore. So, you were just walking around until you felt a hand grab your shoulder. You squicked and jumped out of surprise. When you turned around you saw Namjoon laughing at you.

"Hey! It's n-not funny!" you said angrily. You still stuttered a little, but not as much as before. Improvement!

"I'm sorry, but it appears that you got lost in our labyrinth of a house. Do you need some help?" he said faking a British accent.

"I-uh.. Why yes, please." you said, playing along.

"Well Miss, where do you need to go?" he asked politely.

"T-the kitchen, p-please." you said.

"Alright then, follow me." he said and started walking in the opposite direction that you were heading in before.

You arrived at the kitchen and started getting out the ingredients for pancakes. They didn't have Maple Syrup which was important for Hyerin's pancakes.

"So... you making pancakes?" he asked.

"Y-yeah, but there's one p-problem. I need Maple Syrup, but you d-don't have any." you said.

"Oh, I can go get you some."

"No wait! I can go."

"Oh , it's not a problem. I need to stretch my legs anyway." he said kindly and smiled at you.

"If it's o-okay with you" you said and went back to making pancakes.

Soon, Jungkook and V came. They said "Morning" and went to the living room that was connected to the kitchen and sat on the couch and started watching TV.

Later RM came back with the Maple Syrup and more members woke up (well, everyone except for Suga). The pancakes were done so Jimin helped you decorate them. You know, write 'Happy Birthday' on them and a few other details. You put some pancakes that were undecorated on the table for everyone else to eat and took the big plate with the rest of the pancakes that were decorated to Hyerin. It was breakfast in bed.

When you came in, she was still asleep so you put the plate on the counter and tried to wake her up. After a few attempts she finally opened her eyes.

"Wake up, birthday girl." you said happily.

"Wut? Me?" she asked confused.

"Yeah you. It's your birthday!" you said clearly more excited then her.

"Really? It's ma birthday? Wat day is it?" she asked quietly, still half asleep.

"23 March" you said, not amused by her question. She suddenly got up as fast as she could

"O shit boi! It's ma birthday!" she said excited.

"Yes, yes it is." you said. "Oh, by the way, I made you pancakes with Maple Syrup for breakfast." you said handing her the plate.

"Oh gee, u're da best" she said and started stuffing her face with pancakes.

"I know." you said proudly.

When she was done eating she went to the bathroom and you went into the living room to plan the party for her birthday.

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