Found a broken a girl today,
lying on the ground crying for help.
She looked fine to me,
I couldn't see what was wrong,
but then she looked me in the eyes.There were a million things crushed, and breaking inside,
struggling she sat up,
"I can't breathe..what's wrong with me?" she cried.I didn't know what to reply.
So I took her home with me,
made her some soup and she fell asleep.
took care of her but
when I went to wake her up,
the bed was empty.I panicked and searched,
Only to come back- end up in the same room again,
I paced up and down,
" where'd she go?!" I muttered to myself.Then my gaze fell on the mirror,
there she stood staring right back at me.
I touched her cheek so did she,
I flexed my fingers so did she,
I called out her name so did she,
and when I cried so did she she....I realised that broken girl was Me.
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Silence and Sins
PoetryNone of us are the same. Every mind different, Every body different, Every soul different. but funny isn't it, that yet here we are, Agreeing. Feeling. Knowing. Understanding. Just what those lines mean, written by a single person. because we've...