The history that has been told,
It's just a part of the treasure that the past hides.Oh, brave souls
I bow down to you,
Fate was so cruel to you and yet you fought and you won
the war with yourself and the war with enemies combined,
the victory of it, on your shoulders it lies and
she's inscribed on your chestEach drop of blood that you bled,
wrote a legend scarlet with the soil where it fell,
and then it turned to gold when your soul left and
body became one with the earth.I salute your boldness and your insight,
the things that no one saw,
you wrote them in the middle of the night.You're a legend
the world remembers you,
for your courage and sacrifice
for it's not only your body that bled when you fought.
but your soul as well.and for your soul,
It saved people and itself fled.
Silence and Sins
PoetryNone of us are the same. Every mind different, Every body different, Every soul different. but funny isn't it, that yet here we are, Agreeing. Feeling. Knowing. Understanding. Just what those lines mean, written by a single person. because we've...