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So I've been told that I don't do anything,
and somewhere I know it's true.

Why should I?

Why would I?

When in the end you're only gonna compare whatever I do with her,

Why do I have to be a shadow of her?

When I know I can be better person being me.

Even if I try to take a step ahead,
I've already been told that I'm going to fail
Why do I have to do everything your way?

I have a mind, heart and a body as well
and they're all perfectly functioning normal, so why?

I'm not asking for an award,
just a few words of appreciation. just some recognition.

Even when I'm better than her, i'm not,
she is different- she's someone i'm not.
how can I fix something in me when it's not there?

I'm not even asking for a reason or an explanation,
Just stop comparing.
leave me alone, it's tiring.

Do you really despise me that much?
does my happiness bother you that much?
am I that bad of a person that you can't ever see me win?


or is it the blood in my veins that you can't tolerate?

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