What is wrong with me?
Everytime we talk, I decide
I'm done playing your games,
you always mess up my head,
and my self esteem is buried beneath my steps
you say things you never mean,
I know,
i'm just wasting my time with you,
we're never gonna last
there's no future of
"me and you "but I'll be damned,
your hands and lips know their way around,
One touch and I forget all your faults,
you know how to light that fire
and play with it all the same,
and then you go back to who you were before again,
always leave me in hurt and in pain....This has to end.
Silence and Sins
PoetryNone of us are the same. Every mind different, Every body different, Every soul different. but funny isn't it, that yet here we are, Agreeing. Feeling. Knowing. Understanding. Just what those lines mean, written by a single person. because we've...