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I walked off the train, weak and tired. Kara looked worse then I did, dark circles under his eyes as we walked into the harsh sunshine. The little country town was full of life and happiness. I walked up to an elderly couple who I guessed had lived there a long time. "Uh hello..." I said awkwardly. "My names ichi... I was wondering if you'd seen this man..." I pulled out the photo of him.

"I know if him... he's a good friend of mine. Tell you what kids if you help us with our chores for the day, we are planning on taking him some potatoes later today." The old man said and I smiled, nodding quickly. "It's actually quite rare that we see one of your kind in these parts..."

"Uh.. pardon?" I asked quite shy now.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us dear, the man your looking for is like you, but I'm sure you know that. We are too."

"Oh I'm sorry I..." I blush horribly, feeling embarrsssed that I hadn't realised. "Of coarse I'll help you this after noon, we both will." I said nodding and Kara nodded also. I was actually starting to meantslly breakdown. What will happen when I find my father, what will I do without Kara, and what will Kara do when the time comes?

I walk with them back to their truck and they told Kara and I to jump in the tray. We did so and Kara sheepishly put an arm around me as we drove down the country road to the old couples house. I looked around at the rice patties and fields of crops. I loved it. The air was so clean and light, not as thick as the cities smog.

We drove up a little driveway and into the elderly couples yard, a lovely rasied cottage with gardens and fruit trees surrounding it. Kara jumped out and held his arms out for me, I took the opportunity and jumped into them, knocking us both to the ground. "Uh... thanks for breaking my fall?"

"Just your friendly neighbourhood cushion..." he chuckled and looked up at me, kissing my forehead. "Please get off now you're heavy."

I huffed and got off holding out my hand, but as he reached out to get it a roll of nausea hit and I left him there as I ran off to throw up. I bent over behind a tree and vomited up whatever I'd eaten which had been a bowl of rice and chicken. The little old lady came to make sure I was ok. "Are you alright dear... your mate over there looked worried..." she said as she stood behind me.

"How did you..."

"We can smell very well... we also know you're with child, but you haven't seemed to have told your mate yet..." she raised a brow at me and I put a hand on my stomach. I was two weeks pregnant, I wouldn't start showing for another four weeks at Least.

"It is... extremely complicated..."

"Well come inside dear I'll make us tea and the men can do some work while I make an apple pie for your friend. How do you know Misaki anyways?" She asked taking me inside.

"I'm actually he's son... his mate was my mother but she was already... arranged to be married. So he ran away so she wouldn't cause my father or her family any sdishonour..." I said walking inside.

"You sit down dear." She said gesturing to the stool beside the bench.

"Uh thank you..."

"So your mate he is human too?" I nod. "And your brother I asssume from the resemblances..."

"One of six... sextuplets.."

"Oh my. What a perculiar situation. And the baby is it"

"It is not his..." she gave me an odd look. "I was in a relationship before I knew that Kara was my mate... I didn't even know I could get pregnant... I found out two days ago that I was pregnant and didn't tell Kara because... well he's got a girlfriend... and isn't overly on board with mateship..." I felt my eyes fill with tears and the lady handed me some tea.

"Oh that's terrible dreary... now listen here, I'm sure, he will come around in the end..." I hoped so, deep down, nut I just nodded softly amd drank my tea.

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