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Father took us out for lunch that day, trying to cheer me up I think. We went and sat at a café by the river. Since father said that he would buy lunch for us all, Saki took advantage of the free food. She bought the most expensive meals and drinks. Kara was at least somewhat reasonable and just got the cheapest thing that looked nice. I just wanted chicken salad so I had that and father bought whatever he pleased seeing as it was after all his money.

"So what time does your train leave?" My father asked and Kara spoke up and answered quickly.

"Three o clock."

"Well I guess we best eat quickly then."

We sat there and ate in almost complete silence, the only thing that broke that silence, was the continuous chime of silverware on the plates and bowls. We soon finished and didn't talk much. It was about two thirty.

"I guess we better come see you off then." My father stood seeing as his plan had not worked even slightly and I stood with him, all of us making our way to the train station.

I've never really been this low before.

We'd had a good run right? Two weeks on the run... I was now four weeks pregnant, I got sex, I got loved even if it was just for a little while.

Yesterday was amazing up until Blondie showed up, the day before was almost just as good. Last night my father tried to cheer me up and it worked, for a moment, but it's time to face the facts. Kara was going away with his girlfriend back to Tokyo.

We went and they booked their tickets in, father and I stood outside and my father put an arm around me as I looked down and fumbled with my sleeves. He kissed my temple in a caring manor and I leant into him. This would take so much adjustment and it scared me.

I hadn't really been without Kara at all in my entire life. He'd always been there to pick me up when I fell down. And now, he was going away for good. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as Kara and his stupid girlfriend walked out of the signing in building.

"Thanks for letting us stay mister Misaki..." Kara said and I didn't look at him. The terminal voiceover called out that their train would be arriving in five minutes. Kara looked at me and then to his girlfriend. "Saki can you go get us some chips for the train?" She giggled and kissed his cheek. He made a face and she skipped off.

"Ichi... I'm sorry..." he said when she left.  "I would never want to hurt you..."

"But you did... so just fuck off already." I mumbled and he went to protest but his girlfriend came back.

"I got honey soy since I know you love them!" She giggled and the train pulled up beside them, the doors opened and he turned away from us.

"I hate honey soy."

"Since when?"

"Since forever. You'd know that if you wanted me for anything more then a fuck. Now you're gonna turn around and walk your skank ass onto that train. I don't love you Saki it's over."

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