chapter six

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Luke POV

Calum and I sat next to an empty table by the window. I love choosing the ones by the window. We were in McDonald's and I love McDonald's, and who wouldn't love McDonald's?

"So how's everything between you and Ashton?" Heard Calum ask as I took a bite out of my ranch bacon chicken sandwich.

"Good" I said while I had food on my mouth.

"Gross bro, don't eat and smack" I chuckled trying not to choke. I watch Calum took a bite of his Mac. Just two lads enjoying their burgers. Ashton wasn't with us. He was being take care of right now with his doctor. He's learning sign language. I'm also learning it so we can both can finally communicate. I'm very happy having this opportunity for us. Ashton won't feel alone and confused.

I took a sip of my soda with the crooked straw and place it at it's place. "I just hope Ashton learns sign language pretty soon and gets it, I feel like it's the only way I can actually communicate with him."

"Don't be so positive, but be positive. I'm sure he'll learn it faster than the speed of light." He says. I hope he does.

"Yeah" I said


I arrived home from my little date with Calum. I had fun tonight but I was missing my baby so much all day. Being away from Ashton for a day is like dying in seconds. I sat on the couch just thinking. That accident. It keeps haunting me like this been my fault. I put my hands on my face, and I tried not to cry


"This chair is so comfy" says Ashton. I joined him and hugged him tightly

"Yeah? I saved up a lot of money for this furniture" I looked around the house. It was empty but soon I would have a lot of furniture after moving into this house.

"Awww" Ashton nudge my nose to his. It was like puppy love. "It's perfect. Maybe we'll have a basement where we could play drums and guitar and make music together with Calum and Michael" I couldn't agree more.

"Of course, anything for you. You name it and it'll be on my list." I said. Ashton cheered by raising his hands up "yay!"

I giggled and snuggles with him. The couch was small but I was holding him so he won't fall.


"Hmm?" I said.

"Promise you'll make it happen for me?" He said. I nodded.

"Anything for you" and I seal it with a kiss.

Flashback Ends

I snapped out of my thoughts. I sigh as I lean back on the couch and nodded randomly.

"I promise baby" I said to myself in this silent night filling the dark room.


(A/N): you got two updates in this week. Whoooooo!

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS read "Statuses" or whenever I update some news feed.

Or you won't get anymore updates for this story and I'll make you suffer for a month.



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