chapter twenty-eight

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Song: Long Way Home by 5 Seconds Of Summer

Luke was sobbing walking down the hallway of his boyfriend's pathway to his room.

The heartbreaking boy was about to tell him he's about to leave the country for a tour.

He didn't wanted to leave him behind but if it's for the fans then there's nothing for him to do.

Leaning Ashton wasn't the right choice but he had no choice, so today was the day to give him a kiss before he goes to the hotel and gets his stuff and pack some more before he leaves that third day.

He opens the door slowly wiping his tears seen Dr. Bolton giving him sodium chloride for strong muscles. He smiles seen his love one. Dr. Bolton felt someone come in and turns to see Luke standing on the doorway looking at Ashton with tears on his face

"Missed him?" He says to Luke who nodded happily

He walks towards him and Ashton who was asleep for the moment "yeah, just came to see him one last time before I go on tour.." He sniffs.

Dr. Bolton pats him on the back softly rubbing it gently "I know it's going to be hard leaving someone you love so much away for a while" and that made Luke sobs loud holding Ashton's hand crying on it, and that kind of woken Ashton up "...Lukey...?...a-are you crying..?" says it in such a sleepy tone. Luke shakes his head "no baby.. no I'm just happy to see you" he force a giggle "I'm glad you're doing well, I can't wait for you to see me"

"I'm going to give you two a moment" Luke nods as the doctor leaves the room

Luke places his hand on Ashton's side face caressing it as Ashton place his hand on top of Luke's. "What's wrong Lukey?" Luke forces a smile sadly and disappeared and whispers to himself "I hate leaving you here.. At least you have my mum and yours.. I'm going to miss you terribly.." He sobs again just staring at him hoping by the time he comes back he can see him.

"I have to go Ashton.." He stands up and gives him a kiss on his forehead and starts walking off to the door as Ashton speaks again "wait!"

Luke looks at Ashton

"C-Can't you kiss me on my lips? Is it not legal anymore?" Luke hasn't kissed Ashton since the day they were in the car crying on the parking lot on the hospital. He came back around the bed and gave him a kiss on the lips, Ashton took the lead giving Luke a passionate kiss, Ashton inserting his tongue on Luke's mouth which he moan. They shared saliva and roaming around each other's tongue, it was getting a bit hot but Luke pulled away, Ashton whims. "I have to go baby, I'm sorry, maybe some day we can finish it" and that Luke left Ashton spoke alone

"This isn't fair! You're treating me like I'm ill as f-" Luke shut the door behind him and walks away again crying out loud.

(A/N): the album is out and I'm broke.

I saw them on Today Show and I was disappointed because they keep cutting them off

Now on this chapter, Luke is being a dick to Ashton now and some how he likes to hurt himself by leaving off Ashton. I mean he could've skip the tour but there wouldn't be a tour with just two boys performing ya know?

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Well I might update again today.

Stay tune (:

- Johnny x

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