chapter twelve

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Silence, everything was so unspoken. No one was really speaking. Luke Ashton Dr. Bolton, and mother of Ashton and Luke were there. Support poor Ashton resting on the bed on the hospital. Dr. Bolton told Ashton's mother (sorry I don't know her name, if you do know please let me know) there was a chance Ashton wouldn't get his vision, but a big hundred percent chance getting his hearing back. Luke was smiling small but gloomy for not able to see him ever again as his face expressions.

Liz place her hand on Luke's knee supporting him. Luke's eyes were getting teary. This wasn't possible.

Neither of the mums wanted to know this was happening, also Luke accordingly, and the doctor was examine Ashton's eyes to see the problem and what's a possibility to fix this mess. Ashton, at the moment, was resting. His thoughts of death reaching high pointing was not helping his situation at all. In his mind, all that's been happening is leaving this world. He was tired being on silent. Hoping to give his mother a goodbye farewell see you in heaven scenario

His mother sobbing for her son's lost humanity parts. But..

This could probably be the end of Ashton's life. Telling himself it's just done. It's over. The mystery is undone and unsolve. No clues how this would be fit. It's permanently.


Days has passed, Luke and Ashton in bed together like nothing happened. Making it really hard like they were back to normal. Luke was siting up while Ashton was resting on his chest.

"Hi baby" says Luke with a final smile on his face, brushing his love's hair to the back, messy hair looking like curls. Ashton's hair is actually wavy-straight hair but since he never blow dries it, it looks like his hair is curly from far away. It was a cuddle day for them. No work, they haven't seen Calum or Michael for a while, and guessing they just wanted to be alone. It's been 5 days without a contract from anyone. Luke wanted to spend time much more with Ashton since that moment Luke left him locked up but happily Calum and Michael found an extra key on a rock by the door.

Ashton smiles as his corner lips touches the bare chest of Luke's. Luke waits for Ashton to speak. His sweet voice melts Luke's heart but sometimes he speaks like an innocent little boy which coos and it breaks poor Luke's heart.

"I can't live, I can't stay, I can leave, I can go to heaven and be me again. Not here" says Ashton in a soft coo voice which makes Luke start to feel hurt. The boy of his life wants to go. He tried to hold the tears.

You can't leave me..

Luke's thoughts starts to fill him again and make him go insane on the inside, holding Ashton so tight.

Why are you doing this to me?

You can't leave me

Stay strong for me..


Luke closes his eyes feeling his temples wet. Cries was finally breaking him inside.

"Don't leave me baby" kissing Ashton's head. Ashton raises his left hand to feel the wet cheeks of Luke's soft ones. He shakes his head shaky "baby don't cry, I'm not leaving you.. I'm right here with you" place his hand on his beating heart. The way back then before all this Luke remembers telling Ashton the same way and this made him get a déjà vu moment.

Ashton holds Luke's face "no matter what place I stay, I will always love you. I'll watch you if I ever do die. I'll be your guardian angel" he says with a smile even if he can't see Luke's eyes directly, but he nailed it because Luke was staring into his loss vision eyes. They seal it with a kiss as a promise.

Luke cries as he kisses him and hugs him tighter around his torso as Ashton hugs Luke's neck. This was a truly romantic afternoon on the sunset by the window.


(A/N): I need a new cover for this. It would mean a lot if you tried helping me.

If not that's cool I like doing my own covers even if they suck like ass.

38 more chapters and it's over!

follow my Instagram if you like: @phewdeepie (I love his videos lol)

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