chapter eight

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It was that next day at night, and Luke didn't made it on time with the expensive. All he did was cry all night with his mum alone while Ashton was being take care off with Michael and Calum in charge for that night.

Liz tried to calm Luke down with some of his favorite picked out penguins that he's been collecting when he was young, even if he's still young. A mug of tea didn't help at all and he wanted to make him feel better with some warm hugs but nothing.

Luke though there's no way he'll collect that much to get Ashton to get checked out if he doesn't gives Dr. Bolton the pounds.

It was getting chilly around Luke's room stay, and Liz covered her poor shivering 17 year old son in warm blankets. Luke felt the chill around the room so he took his mum's mug tea and drinks it to keep himself warm while a few sniffs comes out from his nose.

"I know it's hard to raise that much money, Luke, but you can't just take it all from your friends and family. It takes time" says Liz with a carefree face while she rubs Luke's back smoothly trying to comfort him as he continues to drop some tears again.

"I-I w-want m-my-y b-b-baby-y back-k....m-mum....I want-t A-Ashton b-back..." He cries looking at his mum, Liz was feeling sadder than before. Seen her son like this wasn't acceptable, and she wanted to raise that money as quickly as she could if only it was possible

"Shhhh.." She says as she takes Luke around her arms rocking him as he sobs in his mothers shoulder. Seen Luke like this was heartbreaking to her. She never saw this side of him and this was kind of knew to him.

They both tried to stay quiet, and the room was silence between them and only Luke's sniffs was the only thing was speaking around.


Meanwhile, Michael and Calum was in charged of Ashton. Seems like a babysitting situation, but mostly it was so Ashton wouldn't stay alone while Luke went to his mother to talk about it. Michael and Calum have been on Luke's side. Knowing that their "making money" band shoes wasn't enough. For some point they are barely making millions but so far their just making thousands for the moment.

Michael have been thinking his to raise the money faster less than a month since Dr. Bolton gave Luke a month to raise it or he would move on to the next patient and Michael won't let that happen.

Ashton, on the other hand, is sleeping on the couch, and so Calum is on eye watch. Michael too but he's been thinking lately and isn't focusing on Ashton so Michael told Calum to be in charge while he thinks of something. Hours pass by just like that as Michael gotten an idea now. Finally.

"I got it!" He says, as Calum turned to him getting up from the couch.

"What is it?!" Says Calum like Olaf a bit.

"Okay, so we should do a show..."

"Mhm, and?"

"What do you mean and?" Says Michael with a confused look.

Calum rolls his eyes and looks at Michael "just a concert? How would that help out raising the money for Luke?"

"You didn't even let me finish." Giving Calum and weird face as Calum just threw himself on the couch again.

"Then finish!"

"I didn't even started," Calum just covered his face as Michael laughs a little "kidding!"

"This isn't a game, Michael! Luke needs this money for Ashton to be fix! Wow you're always playing," says Calum with a little attitude adding up there. Michael felt a little bad about the whole thing but now it's serious talk

"Okay, you're right. Anyways, we will make the bodyguards from the entrance to tell the fans to donate money, and even if they don't know Ashton is deaf and blind, we will tell them that it's for charity"

Calum nods as Michael continues his explanation

"So, even if it's actually charity for Ashton, we will have enough money before a month strikes" he says as his final words. Calum had his thinking cap and making sure this isn't a funny joke again

"I like it," says Calum as Michael smiles and cheers a bit.

"Hooray!" He shouts as he got quiet to not wake up Ashton. Obviously he can't hear but Michael forgot about that

"Uh, Mikey, he can't hear you remember?"

"Oh" he laughs nervously "I forgot"

Calum nods sadly but in no time they will help Ashton to get everything back.

"Alright well lets start calling the managers of O2 stadium" Michael says as they pull their phones out to call them out.


As soon as Luke calms himself down, his mother and himself took a walk in a twilight zone with streetlights around them taking a slow pace on the sidewalk. Luke had to stop looking at Ashton differently and see him as his normal 3 lasting years boyfriend again. He's so worried he won't help Ashton, but maybe making a foundation for Ashton might help but he thinks it's a waste of time.

"Luke, you have to find some way to get the money, I would lend you one hundred pounds but that's all I'll give," she says, looking down at her shoes in the dark grayish sidewalk that bends in the dark nights. Her hands on her black coat walking just right beside Luke's lower arms.

Luke had his hoodie on his head covering his little ears from the wind since it was becoming a little chilly in February. His eyes aren't so bright at night, and they look like gray eyes or hazel eyes at night. They only bright blue in sunny days. "I know mum, if only there was a way to-" he was cut off by a message.

"Sorry" he says as the screen light flash on his face and smiles a little and made his mum look a little confused

"What is it?" She says

"Calum and Michael planned something for me to get the money on time," he says looking back to his mothers eyes with a happy face by hardly to see in the darkness but the flashlight of his phone was a bit clearly to see his face.

"I'm proud! And what is this plan they did?"

"They planned a show this weekend, and made a small charity for Ashton, but they can't know about it."

"And why is that?" She gives him a clueless look. She might think that the fans won't like Ashton anymore perhaps that's why the boys been hiding Ashton for so long that supposedly he went missing, but honestly Luke doesn't wants Ashton to be hurt after he gets his eye sight back. She hope.

"They will say stuff about him, and I don't want that." He says.

"As long as Ashton gets everything then there must be a explanation about this"

Luke nods and looking back on his phone back again smiling. He knows he's getting the money in no time.

Ashton is certainly getting his eye sight back.


(A/N): here's your update!
If I get 200 followers today, I'll do a double update !

I feel like this story is going to be a little short like 30 chapters. I'm running of ideas. I don't want to rush this book and be like "yay his eye sight is back" no it takes time like the REAL WORLD. Not all humans get their eye sight back like a quick of a snap. It takes time.

I'm probably making a second book because even IF Ashton gets his eye sight back, he's still going to be on silent since he won't hear a thing. Anyways I'm blowing my surprise already. Okay bye

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