chapter thirty-four

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Song: Half A Heart by One Direction

Their next stop show was in Barcelona, Spain they were going to be interviewed with the radio station called Streema with host Cecilia Monterey

The boys changed in their fashionable way but still looking punk rock.

They walked in some sort of red carpet and photographers were snapping tons of pictures. Michael in his sexy pose as he calls it wearing his punk look, Calum standing nice and tall hearing a tank top sleeves cut logo Paramore jeans cut on the knee and black&white vans, Luke had a fake smile with his black leather jacket in such a hot day and a black t shirt and of course his black tight jeans and converse.

Fans screaming at their names, some question them where's Ashton.

Luke ignore every type of question that was involved with Ashton and he had no time to be remembered.

Two girls screamed "kiss!" to Michael and Calum. They both giggled and peck each other on the lips and awes were heard.

After signing some items for the fans and taking pictures with them, they have finally entered the building being greeted by many guests who was also invited by the radio station.

The boys tried to speak Spanish but Calum nailed it more than Michael and Luke did

"Cómo están? Le gustan a las 5SOSfam españolas?" Said the interviewer as they nod and Calum says "si, están bonitas" as they all laugh and gave a thumbs up for the Spanish girls as beautiful girls.

After the radio station interview they headed back to the hotel to get ready and do a quick soundcheck, the performance was free so a lot of people came in to see them on soundcheck. A few meet and greets giving the fans a poster sign by each but of course Ashton was off. Still asking the boys when will Ashton attend their tour and some were new fans who had no idea what was going on unless a old fan fills them.

Tweets were increasing with the same question and worries.

@5SOSFAM19: where's Ashton? Is he coming back to the band?

@Ally5SOS: I hope he's still recovering fast because we need him back in the band

@MrSassyHemmings: where the fuck is Irwin? He needs to come back or I will fuck him over a truck if he doesn't appears

@Diana__x: isn't a member missing?

@fabiola5SOSx: we miss you terribly @Ashton5SOS x

All of these tweets were ridiculous and some were a pleasure to know they care about Ashton's health.

While all this coincidence Luke's mum called him as he answer he heard his mother say it was time to remove those bandages out of Ashton's eyes tomorrow.

He couldn't wait to fly over there and see the results.

He told the boys the good news, and they were excited to fly hopefully tomorrow morning and see his baby hoping to see again. Imagining how life will be now for Ashton. Seen the beautiful world again, but no sound. It didn't matter now it only matters that he can see again

"I can't wait! Our best mate will now be seen out faces and our fans faces as well. As long as he doesn't sees that ugly black color anymore!" Says Calum. Luke smiles widely agreeing to the statement. "My baby can see my face now, and he can touch me and see me it's just a dream come true once again." Crying for happiness, but they don't know yet if Ashton will see again but hoping for the final results.


The boys sang their hearts out to the crowd. Fans cheering as they sang along with them.

It was like a moment of silence as they sang smoothly to amnesia not trying to sound so sad reminding himself of Ashton like if he was leaving

The fans had their phones light up as the flashlight swinging it side to side.

Luke's mind was imagining how Ashton would react as he sees Luke walk in with tears streaming down his precious blushy cheeks on his face as he finally sees his baby for so long for almost two years being blinded and having the worse nightmares ever.

As the song ends Luke has a big smile on his face crying already with the boys included.

On their way to the van paparazzi's were getting in their way as they try to pass by them and get in safe, bodyguards had to push them off their path like if the boys were their royal highness and give them their space (ha) and drives to their hotel safely.

"ASHTON HERE WE COME BABY!" Says Michael cheering as Luke chuckles and shakes his head "he's my baby you can't say that." Luke says as Michael rolls his eyes and Calum frowns "uh I'm your baby!"

"Someone's jealous" says Luke and Michael pouts and mumbles sorry to Calum giving him pecks on the lips making him feel happy again. Luke stares at them cuddling each other's sides and giving kisses away and showing love to each other and giggling at their own jokes. Luke couldn't wait to give that to Ashton and missed all the fun he's been missing on. A smile appeared on his face

"Don't worry baby, you'll be happy again with me." He said to himself.

(A/N): sorry I've been absent for three days I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos and I've been thinking about making a YouTube channel but I don't know about what.

Also, this update is late because I've been watching Big Brother and Rising Stars tonight and I love Jesse Kinch! His performance amaze me a lot I'm in love x

Last night I stayed like 2 am because Cryaotic aka Cry did a livestream games AT 11 PM LIKE ARE YOU SERIOUS CRY?! So I stayed up late and I've been busy today

Also, I've been creating a list of things I need for back to school day and since this is my last year of high school I need to check what I need and no it's not supplies fuck that.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this short story stay awesome bros here's a brofist for you *brofist*


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