chapter fifteen

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Song: You Will Me (In A Good Way) by Sleeping W/Sirens

Calum was driving into the driveway of his house with Michael on his passenger seat. He turned it off and look towards Michael with a disappoint face on.

Michael sighs and knowing he already lost Luke's respect for sure

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" Says Calum shaking his head

"I guess that's why I bought that denim jacket with the word IDIOT on it because I knew I was one" he says as he chuckles.

Calum was done and got off the car leaving Michael behind, as soon as they both got off locking the car and entering their home, and what made Luke also pissed off it's that they didn't told Luke about their relationship. They didn't went up to him like Luke and Ashton come up to them about their relationship.

Luke doesn't accept them now, all thanks to the dumbasses.

"We're dumbasses, we came out to Luke on the wrong moment." Calum sighs and threw himself to the couch as Michael sat on a stool on their dining table that was attach to the kitchen.

"You wanted to tell him not me" says Michael picking a fruit which was a green apple what matches with his hair that was dyed a few weeks ago.

"Yeah but then keeping it for how long now? A week now? He would definitely hate us" He says hearing Michael take a bite and munch on the apple on the background.

"Who cares, it's about us not them. Either way that just sounded rude but it's about us. You fell in love with me not them. It's about me and you baby no one else" says Michael

Calum smiles a little

But not caring about Luke and Ashton for a bit was wrong.


"It sounded cute but baby, they matter to me" he says and Michael sighs and nods for sure as he took another bite.


"I'm serious, they're our friends. And later we will tell them once again all over again so they can understand." Calum gets up from the couch walking over the basket of fruits, he chose a banana. He peals it off and takes a bite out of it.

Michael watches him eat it which made Calum and little weird out.

"Can I help you?"

"I like the way you bite that banana."

Calum gives him a confused look. "Oh... Thanks? I like the way you eat that apple"

Michael laughs out loud making Calum chuckles.

"I like the way you kiss me though" says Michael staring at his beautiful Asian boyfriend, as he likes to tease Calum and make him mad

"Kiss me kiss me" says Calum teasing. They both steal a kiss from each other holding their fruit on their spare hand.

"I really need to work on that nice mood swing" says Michael.

"You really do, stop pissing people off" says cal. Michael nods on approval as they continue on their fruit date.

"You're the cutest boyfriend ever" says Calum

"No you are"

"Nuh ah!"


"Okay okay I'm the cutest, but you have the cutest green hair"

"Fuck yeah, it's called the punk rock look"

They had the rest of the night like this. They killed each other with cute comments and blushy moments.
(A/N): Malum x

I wanted to double update.
If you want a third update, comment goal is 20,000!

Just for the fun of it. (:

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