Author's Note

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I didn't know this project would be higher than my expectations and I couldn't thank you guys enough for this I mean look how far this went? When I first published the first chapter I only had 10 reads and I was so close to deleting it. I had to share it on twitter and tumblr for some hope and maybe someone will like it.

This idea was from a damn research I did for my science project on how people would live like this. I also got a piece of idea from the movie "The Eye" it's a 'scary' movie but I look the haunted moments out and focused on how the character feels being blind and how she works things out. How her life is becoming without her sight even though in the movie she can hear and Ashton can't.

So I went on YouTube and see how people live their life without hearing so I put those two ideas in one whole twisted plot.

This story is more like Luke's POV that's why I didn't really write "Luke's POV" on the chapters because this really what he's going through. On the next book it's going to be Ashton's POV on the whole story. Most of you guys have saying why do I keep changing Luke's and Ashton's age because this is a mental flash play as in I go back in time and let yourself be in his flashbacks and how they feel about the situations they are or how it's been before the accident.

So personally this book is like my project in history and science. I'm really really proud of this.

As you all know there is a second book called "Silence: The Sound Of Quietness" and it's coming soon in the fall or when I really finish my books, because I really want to finish all of my books before I start the other book of the series.

I know some chapters are super short so I have to fix that and make them longer so my other new readers don't think my chapters are short as fuck. Also, I'll be previewing my errors and fix some GRAMMAR you picky asses.

So thank you once again for sticking up with this story until the very end.

I love you all.

Feel free to leave any questions on my question book. I'll be happy to answer any kind of questions you have in mind. I promise I won't brofist your face since I get mad and annoyed easily so be careful what you ask or say or do or think or speak (:

Until the next book bros! Stay awesome brochachos *brofist*

Sincerely, Johnny x

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