chapter fourteen

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Song: Alone Ft. MGK by Sleeping W/ Sirens

Ashton felt consumed by the darkness but that wasn't all this time. He felt consumed by the sadness. Why did his Lukey leave him? Where was he? He sat in his new bed thinking about what he might have done wrong. He felt like an idiot to even think that Luke would stay with him. That beautiful boys face was slowly starting to fade from his memory. The voice of his lover he used to remember so well was sounding less and less recognizable. "I love you Lukey" he mumbled to himself

Luke had spent the last 12 hours crying. Every sob left him more and more exhausted. "Luke it's Calum! Where are you!" Luke didn't respond to his voice. He would only respond to Ashton's voice. "Oh, Luke...." Said Calum, "it's all gonna be okay. Ashton will be out of there soon... Okay?" Luke still didn't respond as the tears leaked from his stunning blue eyes. "What do you need Lukey?" Calum sounded genuinely concerned. Luke looked terrible with his hair all disheveled and his eyes were looking tired from the giant bags beneath them. He hadn't eaten since the morning he took ashton to the hospital. "I need my ashton." He barely choked out through a whisper.


The next few days were terrible for the both of them. Ashton and Luke both refused to eat and neither of them moved that much. They stayed in bed think about each other and crying.

Meanwhile, Dr. Bolton walked into Ashton's room and unlike Luke made no attempts to talk to him. Ashton was lifted out of bed and helped down the hall to the eye examination room. He thought it was crazy but ashton was somewhat crying his blindness away. He could see a single speck. Like a light at the end of a long tunnel. If course that wasn't true but to his imaginative mind that's was the only logical explanation. They checked Ashton's eyes and realized that he had a 20% chance (if they are being generous about it) of getting his sight all the way back. After that they proceeded to check hearing. They had never thought to look at the part of his ear where the hearing happened and get damaged. They were both extremely swollen and they thought that this would take a while to fix. Dr. Bolton promised Luke he would so anything in his power to fix Ashton very soon but they also thought it would be hard to fix this poor boy fast and quick so Luke doesn't have to miss Ashton that much.

Dr. Bolton place Ashton in his new bed for a while, Ashton was tired of everyone putting him into bed, but he was also tired of seen pitch black.

He closed his eyes and relax. Tomorrow will be a big day for him and the doctors. It wasn't going to be a usual day where Luke feeds him and showers him. He was going to miss that so much but this comes first and then their love story.


A week has passed and Luke was alone. He never felt so alone without Ashton. Oh poor Ashton, how would he been reacting? Luke thought as he was playing with a nickel and spinning it on the table as Michael and Calum just stare at him and then looking at each other for a second and then back at Luke

"Uh Luke? Can we please come back to the game?" Says Michael as he collects all the small circles with a random letter and numbers on them. Yeah, they were playing bingo, but Luke wasn't interested anymore he didn't felt right playing without that one thing missing.

"I'm not into it anymore" says Luke as he place the random nickel coin flat.

"But we just played?" Says Calum

"Well you two can play since you two are together! My partner isn't here and just because you two are together doesn't mean you can tell me I'm just making an excuse!" he shouts as Calum and Michael give Luke a look (get it lol) and left the room leaving Luke behind.

"Don't call us if you're going to be a dick to us, we didn't took Ashton away from you, okay? He needs this stupid "therapy" or whatever to get this shit back so your shit face gets happy again and besides it's your fault he's in this way!" Says Michael arguing to the poor teary boy. Michael just noticed what he just said and now he feels like shit and regrets what he just told Luke when Luke nods slowly crying his eyes out

"You're right. This is my fault.." He fake smiles trying not to let the other tears fall.

"Luke I'm-"

"Get out of my house... now.." He says looking down


"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" He says as Calum flinch and Michael nods and quickly leaves and shuts it close. Luke stomping his feet to the door locking it and punching it getting frustrated and stressed out. He slowly slides down the door crying on his knees. Hugging his legs whispering between sobs

I didn't meant to hurt my baby, I rather be on his place than seen or hearing people yell at me or look at me ugly

(A/N): short but idgaf right now

My aunt is still fighting strong. Praying to god so badly, I don't want him to take her away from me..

Anyways, I've made a story question so you can ask me anything.

It's called "Questions & Answers" and you can ask me anything

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