chapter twenty-seven

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Song: Animal by Neon Trees

Ring ring.

Ring ring.

Ring ring.

Luke groans frustrated looking for the phone on the nightstand. He felt a vibration on his jean pocket from the left. He dug it out and puts it in his right ear after he clicks the accept button

"Yes?" He says in a sleepy tone. It was his manager calling him for a meetings

"We need you in the office in an hour so get ready"

"Mhm, see ya" he hangs up and tried to aim it to the night stand but fell to the floor. He groans and let his arm swing as he closes the eyes and he tried to sleep some more, but he convince himself to stand up and get ready, but he was still in lasts night outfit. He shrugs and just added himself some cologne.

He checks himself in the mirror, not a single wrinkle on his black shirt. He went to the bathroom to at least wash his face and mouth to refresh his breath and not smell like he drool on himself.

He got the card slider and finding his wallet "what the fuck? Where is it?" He was touching his front pockets then the back ones, it was on his left back pocket he was relief.

He walks to the door and opens it and he sees her far away by the elevator. He closes the door walks towards the elevator. She felt footstep and turns around seen Luke.

"Oh hey Luke! Right? Did I nail it?" She says giggling as her brother Frankie hugs him too "oh you're so beautiful Luke! I'm frankie!" He says with a smile on his face. The pink hair on the tips and blonde at the bottom. He had a aqua color tank top shirt and white shorts.

"Hey, umm listen Ariana, I should be leaving by today so I was wondering if you want to be friends and hang out soon with my boyfriend. He's like a big fan of yours. Do you mind if you sign this?" He pulls out that small box to her.

She knew what it is and frankie was clapping because gay couple he supported it the gay marriage rights. "Oh my god that boy is so lucky to have you. I bet you're such a sweetheart."

Luke blush. "Yeah.."

Ariana got a black sharpie and on the 'Kay' logo on top, she sign it small and clear to see it.

"You have no idea how much he'll love this! Thank you so much! Tweet me at Luke 5SOS" he says giving her the last hug

"I will don't worry." Hugging him tight and Frankie next. "Group hug!"

They laugh and pulled away as Luke takes it from Ariana and sliding it back on his front pocket. "Well I have a meeting bye guys!" He runs to a elevator that was already open



Michael Calum and Luke were siting on the meeting room. Manager has entered after ten minutes they arrived.

"Good news boys!"

"What?" They said "what's the news?!" Michael added.

"It's the time you'll been waiting for, WorldWide tour!" He says it with excitement which made two boys jump and cheers.... Except Luke "what? I mean-"

Michael rolls his eyes and lays his hands on Luke's shoulder "it's a worldwide tour?! Why aren't you excited?"

"Because of Ashton! I'm leaving him for what 9 months without seen him? It's not fair! Can't we just wait until Ashton's results?" He says. The manager shakes his head. How could he be so cruel? "You start tour in three days so you better start packing today and tomorrow."

Luke stood up "this isn't fair!" He walks out of the meeting room.

"We will convince him to come" says Calum as the manager nods and dismiss himself from them and the staff workers for tour.

(A/N): management are dicks.

So I made a okhelloapp account I guess I'm lonely without anyone around so if you want you can come join me in my room called #johnnys

I can't believe this story almost has 100K reads! I know it's not that much but it means a lot to me. I hope at least it gets to 500K, if it doesn't gets to 1 million oh fucking well but that's my goal 500k!

Thank you and I love you!

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