Chapter 1: First Impressions

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I really didn't mean to be here.

 The dark grey concrete cool against my back, the near pitch black alley way, and yet I could see everything as clear as his gray eyes staring back at me. He knew, I knew. It was all over. 

I did my best to scramble to my feet but with each attempt they simply gave back down. Finally I found something on this wall to grip my hand on and pull myself up. He calmly walked toward me, as if his tailored tweed suit wasn't covered in more blood than a butchers. I turned and ran toward the opposite direction, but there were two more suited guys in front of me. One wearing a black suit with thin blue stripes, and the other wearing a blue suit with thin black stripes. Larger, calm as well, but definitely not more terrifying. It was either them or him, and I decided on them.

I shot up my fist toward black suit; as he tried to grab my fist I used my knee to slam into his stomach. Black suit barely moved back an inch. Blue suit then proceeded to punch me in the jaw. As he did so, I relaxed my face and tilted it just enough to avoid most of the blow, then used my other hand to push on the pressure point on his forearm. Using enough strength to get him to shout. Black suit then slammed his fist into my chest. I let go, falling back on the ground. Coughing like mad. Slightly surprised. If I was him I would have punched me in the throat. The chest punch was not even that bad, only slightly reminiscent of being hit by a bat.

On the ground I could hear his steps much louder than before. He was almost right behind me. I was about to look up when a blood drop landed on my cheek. Indeed, he was already at my back. I guess I didn't have much of a choice now. I wiped the blood off my cheek, held in a shudder, and addressed the elephant in the room. 

"Are you going to kill me?" 


No? What the hell was going on then? I fully looked up this time. My eyes staring into his. His irises a little opaque but still full of vibrancy. Guarded, but bold. My breath caught in my throat for just a moment. I was perplexed emotionally, staring at the sight of him, both enamored and scared. There was no smile on his face, but his hands resting on his hips so confidently almost seemed like some type of joyous expression. My thoughts slipped out faster than I could stop them.

"Why not?" 

I breathed in deep. The urge to tape my own mouth shut filled every core of my conscious. He just chuckled. His hand now embraced around his lips. The other two, who'd been silent until now, made some odd snorting and choking sounds. After a moment, they all got silent. He, the man who'd taken my attention through this terrible stage of events, sighed as if I was the weird one out. My question was then answered with such vagueness, if I hadn't looked at the insignia on their suits I wouldn't have figured it out.

The gold lion face stitched with copper eyes and a copper mane. The insignia of my new place of employment.

"Tomorrow, Ms. V." They let me go. I ran 'til I reached my apartment. 

And that, was the day I met my bosses boss. Owner of Title Corporation, maybe something worse.

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