Chapter 5: He knows where I Live

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With Park's help the fighting only lasted about eight minutes. I had managed to knock out maroon shoes. Near Park the leader and the blue shoed guy were on the ground laying against each other, I'm hoping passed out as well.  

Park was holding red shoes by his collar, playing with the knife the leader had thrown before. Red shoes was conscious, but barely. He mumbled here and there, pleading for Park to let him go while park just stared at him. 

I went over to check the other two for a pulse. Indeed they both were alive. I sighed in relief. My gaze turned back to Park. 

"Just knock him out too. They probably didn't mean any harm." Park dropped the guy and kicked him hard enough to knock any person out. Then he turned to me, still holding the knife, spinning it with his fingers. His eyebrows were furrowed downward. 

"An, they came here to kill you. I should return the favor."

"Please don't. Plus why is this happening anyways. Hmm?" I crossed my arms. Park looked away. I'm quite sure this has something to do with him. 

"It'd be better if I killed at least one." I walked up to him, getting in front to block him. 

I snipped, "You didn't answer." Park placed his elbows on my shoulders. Bringing his face far too close to mine. He smiled then chuckled a little. His lips almost touched mine.  

He questioned, "Where did you learn how to fight like that?" I pulled my face slightly back. 

"Answer me first." He got off of me, then walked toward one of the guys, grabbing the leader this time. Holding him by the shirt sleeve. 

"They think," he stabbed the guy in the gut, "we're dating." I stepped back. 

"I told you not to- Hey that's unbelievable! Why would they think that?!" Park dropped the guy, leaving the knife in him. 

"He's got maybe two hours to get to a hospital, he could live. Happy? I gave him a choice." Slowly he stepped toward our jackets and picked them up, then he grabbed my shoes. I tapped my foot against the ground. Annoyed at him. A little flustered too, but I'd rather that not be known. My face felt really warm, but hopefully he'll take it as anger. 

I yelled, "You're avoiding my question again!" Park walked back to me, pulling his arm around my shoulders and turning me away. Having us continue to walk back in the direction of my place. His arm and chest was warm. I didn't realize it until then how chilly it was right now. As I looked down at my arms, I realized they were shivering. 

He questioned again, "Who taught you how to fight?" I told him I would answer after the first question didn't I? Damnit.  

"My childhood friend Jae-Hwa... don't you corrupt him Park!" 

"Jae-Hwa Ja? The, politician?" Why was he hesitant? Heh, bet he's surprised I got friends in high places too. I snickered. 

"Of course. He's a good guy too, so stay away from him." Park started laughing. Really loud. He even took his arm off me for a moment to pat my back a couple times. I glared at him as my face got even warmer. 

"My question now. Why do they think that? Did you say something? Who'd like a killer like you?! UGH!" He was still laughing, but now his arm was wrapped tighter around my shoulders, pressed at my neck.  We turned onto my street. He leaned in closer.

Through slightly heavy breaths, he whispered, "You're the one who finds this killer, attractive." I slipped out of his grip and jumped to my side as far from him as this sidewalk would let me. My face was definitely red now. Flushed like a drunk's I'm sure. I used my hands to cover my cheeks as I glared in his direction. He was no longer laughing. Just a coy smirk. Keeping his freehand now resting in his pocket. 

Curses and other poor tasted comments filled my mind. I almost forgot about my question. Had he not quickened his pace, I would have too. I sped up as well, then repeated the question.

"Why do they, think that? I don't care what you think." We got to my place. I stood at my door. Arms at my hip. He separated his jacket and tie from my blazer, putting it with my shoes in his other hand. Then brought it in front of me. Putting the shoes right in my face. I snatched them out of his hand and went back to my glaring. He was no longer smiling. His face was like stone. 

"Why? Simple. I didn't kill you." My glare dropped. A car suddenly pulled up. He got in.

It peeled away in the opposite direction. My knuckles were turning white with how strong I was gripping them. 


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