Chapter 8: Tiger meets the Wolf

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"Pretty cocky of you to come right into the wolf's den James. I guess being born in Rica did have some affect on you..." James kept his blade strong against Jae-Hwa's throat. Yes that Jae-Hwa. An's beloved childhood friend. If only she knew. Jae-Hwa didn't even try to stop James. He just smiled with his usual politician's grin.

"I'll kill them all, any more people you send after her." James voice was deep and deadly. Sounding the way he always did around Jae-Hwa. See, they had a past too.

Jae-Hwa laughed.

"Why would I kill her? Or anyone... that she knows. She hates killers James." James pushed the blade tighter, blood started to seep out, staining Jae-Hwa's collar. The guards around Jae-Hwa kept their guns pointed at James. Waiting for permission to pull the trigger. Jae-Hwa gave none. He just continued on.

"You've read the Vo family murders haven't you?" James ignored his question.

Instead warning once more, "Don't hurt her." Jae-Hwa suddenly jerked his hand toward the blade, grabbing it with full force faster than James could pull away. Blood poured from his hand on to James', who still held the hilt. Some of the guards stepped back. Jae-Hwa just glared at James while James followed suit. Staring at him with the same contempt a father does his failing son, unwavered by the drastic display.

"She's mine... James." This time James laughed. A haunting echo of a sound.

"Can't be yours if she doesn't agree to it." Jae-Hwa smiled. 

"What about you then?" His words truly meaning how much of nothing James was to An. Yes they spent time together, but in Jae-Hwa's mind, that time would never be enough for a girl as shielded as her. Only he could see her with a heart so open. It was he who saved her when reality took it's toll. He who protected her from everything. She was his. James, like always, was just a black mark in his world, too dark to crush. Yet also too much his equal, at times like this. A horrid dirty stain on this country. 

James scolded Jae-Hwa as he answered, "I don't seek to possess her. I'm just a simple guy in love." 

"Back off James." Jae-Hwa demanded through gritted teeth. James didn't care. 

He scolded again, "Too late now. Knowing a monster like you is at her back."

"That's how it'll be?"


"Well, well. Hold her close," Jae-Hwa suddenly wrapped his arm around James, "and that knife of yours closer." While James was focused on Jae-Hwa's arm, preparing to slip out from it and regain the upper hand, Jae-Hwa twisted his wrist and gripped tighter on the blade his other hand held, pulling it out from James hand. Jae-Hwa yanked the knife back until he had the hilt in hand, and then turned it back toward James. By the time James figured out what was going on, any action to stop him would have been in waste. So instead he just looked on at Jae-Hwa as a tiger does a wolf. 

Jae-Hwa stabbed him in the shoulder. To the hilt. 

Jae-Hwa's hand now free, he wiped the blood on one of his guards. A chuckle released from his lips before he spoke again.  

"You can keep your toy, for now. Next time you wave that in my face I'll use it to skin you alive." James continued to glare. His words were firm, monotone, as he replied.

"Don't harm her, and you'll never see it again." The knife stayed solid in his shoulder. A mix of his and Jae-Hwa's blood staining the fabric of his grey suit a bright red. He hadn't even flinched. Seeming used to being stabbed. Jae-Hwa crossed his arms and looked at James death stare with an equally cold gaze. 

After a moment of building tension, he joked, "I think this discussion is over. Feel free to leave as gracefully as you came, Mr. Park." James tilted his head to the side, still full on uncaring. Eyes like a dead fish. Then he turned around and back in the direction of the door.

"Of course." James replied. He began walking toward the door. Guards moved out the way. In what felt like forever to everyone surrounding the two, James finally exited.

Gone. For now.

Author Note: As you might be able to guess, this song is for introducing Jae-Hwa, while the first song in the story(song in chap. 1) was for introducing James. Each song gives away a little bit about the style and personality of the two main male characters. The other songs in the other chapts. are more so just songs that made me think a little about the chapter events/feelings etc., but pretty loosely. lols Any whos, I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to comment if you'd like. :)

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