Chapter 2: Overqualified and Underpaid

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I cursed the choice of a cotton blouse as I stare face to face with him, James Park. There's no way the sweat pouring off my skin wasn't showing. I definitely should have worn my trusty thick brown wool turtleneck instead, that would have hidden it. Worse yet, if I wasn't so terrified my eye lids would have dropped by now. I got not a wink of sleep. Now he calls me to his office? Other then seeing him kill someone, I really shouldn't even be on his radar. Does he not find this a tad bit suspicious looking?

Not like anyone will say anything though. Too much clout this guy has.

His hair isn't even cut to company standards. Slightly too long and feathery for a professional. He needs to trim the sides more. Wait why am I even looking at his hair? I'll stair at the wall behind him instead. Nice boring tan wall. Which of us will speak first?

"Nice to meet you at the office Ms. Vo." I guess him.

"Giving me the impression that its okay to discuss yesterday Mr. Park? Maybe to the police?" My arms clench tightly into each other. My back pressed further into the chair, hoping to move me further away. God why the hell did I just say that?!

I glance over at him, his face is still. His hands rest on his desk, not even tapping lightly at the tempting wood surface. Long elegant fingers, but you can see the strength in them. Its not surprising those same hands could hold a man down and slit a throat with such ease. Before yesterday, I didn't know someone could die so grotesquely yet so quietly. My experience on one or the other, but no combination of such. Blood had squirted everywhere, but the man just gurgled away. Not a scream, no time for a plea beforehand. Just sounds like gargling salt water and some swaying of his head, before he became completely silent. Of course, after seeing that, I threaten the very man who did something with such skill and speed. No hesitation, and obviously no regret. I think.

"Go ahead, I've got every professional worth anything in this city on the take. It's not like they do much anyways. If it quells your conscious. Though right now, we've got more insulting matters to discuss." Insulting?

And once again, I feel like the odd one in all this. My gaze reverts back to his. So bold, even in the dark night the color was that same rich grey. No wonder I couldn't avoid them, more so they had captured me than even the blood. I had almost forgotten how bright red fresh blood was, practically a neon color. Less torturous to look at only than the irises in front of me. It brings me back to reality. Reminds me of my situation. I don't know how he could have the funds to do what he says, Title Corp doesn't have any discrepancies in their accounting from what I could see when I looked over the documents this morning, but maybe he has another source? Why though would he be bribing multiple cops? He's right, here in Reo they are pretty useless. It'd be pointless to bribe them, unless he's in something pretty big? He could be lying, but I doubt it. The confidence on his face couldn't be faked. And the fact he hasn't killed me yet speaks volumes. Regardless something's fishy. I'll speak more carefully now.

"What are we to discuss, Mr. Park?"

"You're being promoted." Wait what? Bribery?

"Excuse me?"

"You applied for a job as an low level analyst, when you've got the qualifications for a financial executive." I guess not a bribe. But how did he know my qualifications? I thought I hid my previous experience pretty well. Especially considering how it ended... I just wanted a job, any job. They're not even hiring any middle level or upper level management right now, so what's the point?

He's still staring at me, and I him. It's erring on potential for a contest, the lack of blinking that's going on. I breath slowly as I attempt a calm response.

"Why the hell are you snooping, its not like your hiring executives anyways?!" I really tried.

He smirks. Not even a subtle one either. Full blown "girl you testing god" smirk. The kind that curls just enough to swing back the embarrassment that keeps hurdling at me every time I open my mouth. I've always been pretty blunt, but normally I can keep somewhat good self control at work. Maybe I've lost my touch?

"There's a new opening. One of our executives unexpectedly went missing. You've seen him before. Brown hair, bleeding out. That gentleman."

"I see... What's the position?" Keep calm.

"Executive Assistant Chief Strategy Officer." Not financial, but I do have the qualifications for that. I still don't get how he found out. Though doesn't that job require a lot of time with the CEO? Him? Nope nope nope. Don't have much of a choice though do I? I'm pretty sure this is a threat...

"You'll accept." Yep, a deal I can't refuse. My arms fall to my lap. Our gazes break as I tilt my head down slightly. I nod in agreement. Too prideful to vocalize the words.

Park speaks again, "You'll be paid the same as you are now."

"You assho-" He snaps his thumb and middle finger, and presses the pointer finger just centimeters from my face.

"For hiding this." I remember again what he did.

I quip, "Understood." Then I turn the chair and stand up. Turning for a moment to look at him one more time. He's glaring. A nervous chuckle blurts out, to my embarrassment, but he seems unaffected. Just still looking at me like I stole a kitten from an orphanage. I really don't get this guy.

"Review the rest of the documents in our system, and tomorrow we'll start some work on the software division. "

"Indeed Mr. Pa-" His fingers finally tap the wood. So loud it startles me. I step back. He suddenly stands up. Adjusting his jacket, shifting his tie just in place. His hand then quickly shoots out toward mine.

"Call me James, An."

"Indeed... James." I really don't want to shake his hand. I lift it up anyways to do so, but then his drops. He turns away. His back is facing me while one hand steadies his chair. Holding it in place. His shoulders look a lot bigger when he's standing. I bring my hand close to my stomach. Holding it there, with my fingers just barely touching my palm. I don't really know what to think, but for some reason I feel my face flush just a little. Not enough for others to notice I hope. James speaks again, providing my queue to leave.

"Do well An." I sigh a low breath. My feet pace toward the door.

Cheap ass.

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