Chapter 30: Le Fin

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I awoke to a loud beep and rough pressure around my arm, giving away that I was in a hospital. There was no one in the cold white room but James. Light blaring in my eyes and shining off his disheveled hair and partially undone midnight suit. His hand firmly grasped around my own while his eyelids stayed rested and closed. The feeling of his skin against mine giving me the only warmth I could feel as the chill bit me to the bone. The back of my head ached, and pound light from the beep, but otherwise I only felt slight disorientation. I slid my hand out from James, he immediately woke up. Boring his eyes into mine. 

A sigh escaped me as I stared at him too while moving my hand to press against my head. Before I could though he stood up and grabbed my hand once more. 

"Don't touch it, you almost died." He stated.

My breath caught in my throat, but my hand relaxed in his. I nodded in acknowledgement as everything came back to me.  I wanted to ask what happened but I knew if I waited James would tell me. My teeth clenched tight though as I did. Fearing the worst. 

James stayed still, not letting go of my hand. His grip more firm than usual. 

He spoke, "You'll be okay, but I had to take care of Jae-Hwa." 

I could feel my throat tighten more. 

I gasped, "You didn't need to ki-" James stopped me in my tracks by shaking his head 'no'. He tilted his chin upward but still kept his gaze fixed on me as he spoke again. His words coming off like it was an accounting transaction and not another man's life.

"Jae-Hwa's in jail."

I stared him down harder, a slight glare, but warmth filled my chest. Soon warming my cheeks. 

"Why'd you make it sound like that." I grumbled. My eyes now fixed on the various medical devices around us. Hearing words outside I realized I was in an ICU unit. I joked to myself whether he owned this too. Rolling my eyes. Then I felt a light tug from James. On instinct I turned back to him. As I turned I realized he had bent down so our faces were quite close, but instead of jumping back a  sigh of relief escaped me as I felt his warm breath against my cheek. 

Blank face he joked, "You're turning me into batman you know." A soft glare covering his features. I took in a deep inhale of breath, feeling my eyes water up. Hoping he didn't notice I blinked it away quickly. Though I knew he did, as his glare dissipated and what I swore was a small frown replaced it. 

"It's better this way. " I whispered. 

His face returned to normal as he held my hand tighter. It slightly hurt but I didn't care. Instead as I looked into his eyes for just a moment more I gripped his tight too. Then I jerked him forward just enough for his lips to firmly press against mine. Closing my eyes now as his other hand moved to carefully holding me by the cheek, deepening the kiss. We moved only a little as we continued to enjoy the soft warmth of each other's lips. Until another moment when I tapped at his chest with my free hand and he pulled away. Still staying close though.

We looked at each other, but for just a second our gazes were much softer. I could see it in the way his mouth revealed a small smile, his pupils dilated in enjoyment. Myself in how I couldn't stop the gentle slit of my mouth opening just at the thought of what had occurred. 

I knew then how I felt. Though I suspected he'd known much longer than me. The way he suddenly interlaced our fingers gave it away. As if he'd always wanted to be there for me and was happy I'd seem to finally allow it. 

Finally the suggestion slipped my breathless lips. 

"Let's date." 

He kissed me back. Even more intense than the last. 

"Of course." James whispered in between. Before finally letting me go, sitting next to me as he'd done before for who knows how long. 

Sitting beside me like I wish he always will. He who warms not just my hand, but my heart as well. In a way I never thought it could be after what I'd gone through and with what he is. 

Though I guess life is funny like that, isn't it?

I gave him a small smile as I laid down to rest again. No longer able to stop the tears drizzling down my face. He continued to smile as his eyes glazed over wanting to cry too. 

"You're okay." I whispered.

His smile disappeared, words coming out in the softest I've heard James speak.

"With you An... always."

Le Fin.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to check out some of my other stories if you like. Lucifer's Angel is one of my other completed ones, it's one of my firsts. :) Subscribe also as I will have more stories along the way that I'm working on. ^^

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