Chapter 20: Broken Bones or Gilded Hearts

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 I pull up the sleeves of my silk top rolling them as stiffly as I can so I won't get blood on them. Slightly loose cotton joggers and this flowy top will give me plenty of room to kick ass and take names. I've got my high top dance shoes too for extra traction and the steel tip for more effect. My free days would be spent doing what I hated.

Hurting people. Just like them

I needed to know if it was true though. True about Jae-Hwa. 

I practically run as I head for the part of this city best known for being avoided by all except those who are forced to live there. The streets owned by the 359 Triad. 

Their members distinct dark grey tattoos giving away their ever growing presence in the city, in the Country. Jae-Hwa did not have such tattoos, at least that I'd seen. Though the three guys just about a block up from where I was did. Brazen on their uncovered arms in their ripped already bloody shirts. Probably from messing with some other poor bastard.

I do what any reasonable person would do.

"Hey!" I yell. 

They turn around. 

I flip them off. 

Within seconds we're in punching distance of each other. Surrounding me like crows encircling death. 

The shortest but also stockiest of the group speaks. 

"You're awfully small to be starting a fight with the 359 lady." 

We're the same height. Vertically that is.

So I just smile. Snap my fingers a couple of times to keep myself distracted. This could go one of a few ways. 

Using a much less aggressive voice, I drop my question.

"Who's your boss?"

Fist come flying in barely a split second from the moment I asked. I let my body fall just in time to avoid them and to catch a kick coming my way. I hold the kicker's ankle and twist until I hear a snap then push him backwards to wallow somewhere in pain.

One down, two more to go. 

They don't even try kicking after that. Just more fist which I continue to dodge, and finally a gun. Barrel pressing right against my chest. Clanging against my necklace. Shorty is the owner of the weapon and I look at him daring him to pull the trigger. 

Yet, suddenly his face contorts. He stares at my chest. Right at the necklace.  

His hands start to shake. The gun is immediately pulled away and stuffed back behind him. The other guy with shorty looks pale as well. 

In sync they beg, "We're very sorry to disturb you miss please don't tell anyo-" Suddenly I hear a two clangs and the men both fall to the ground unconscious. Behind them is a familiar face. 

One of James' bodyguards.

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