Chapter 19: Redemption

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"If you pet her, things will get a little less awkward."

"You think I've got a switch that turns off terror?"


"Fine. Just swear to me she won't bite."

"I swear." I reach out my hand to graze the soft abyss like fur on her cheek. Not bold enough to touch areas that would give her better aim for my hand, though not wanting to startle her by risking touching the top of her head.  The panther tilts her head away from me, as if detecting my hesitation, allowing me to press my fingers into the thick fur. Much thicker than I expected. I couldn't help but comment on it.

"Wow. She's really plush feeling. I've not felt fur this soft and thick before."

Park stares at me for a moment, nodding in acknowledgement. 

"I assumed so." He quipped. 

Suddenly Rose steps back and moves toward the couch. Jumping up with little effort then stretching out to rest. Her claws fully extended into the air but retracting just before reaching the dark leather of the armrest. 

I stare at her. Dumbfounded still. 

"How in did you-" Suddenly my question is drowned out with the sound of his foot steps moving toward Rose. Getting behind the couch and petting her back. 

"I found her injured as a cub."  He answers just as he had done the last time I asked, but this time his words had more care. 

I stay on the ground. Moving to a more comfortable, protective sitting position.  Staring at the two. He pets her a little longer and then moves back to where I am. Bending down just enough to grab my arm and pull me up to my feet. We stay there like that, him refusing to let go, his face getting very close to my neck. Possibly to whisper. The panther now stares at us, but stays in her spot. 

Park whispers, "She had a lot of trust issues. I nursed her back to health. Though she can never go into the wild again, so I keep her here in my home."

I whisper back, "Where does she sleep?"

"She has her own room... and an enclosure in the back."

"Bet that room's bigger than my apartment."

"It is." 

I chuckle. He's got  a small smile on his face. Such obscene wealth feels so casual with the way he answers so confidently. I'm honestly still surprised he made so much effort for this terrifying and huge animal after coincidentally finding it in harms way. I don't know anyone that would do that. I wonder where he even found it. Maybe at another triad's place after a takeover? Using trapping to keep it scared? Don't some keep big cats for sport or something? At first that was what I thought he might of done. Though like before, I misunderstood him. James is different.

 A little guilt suddenly trickles down, reminding me why I'm here. I turn to look at him face to face.  The words spill out.

"I'm sorry. Truly I was wrong to accuse you." His lips press lightly against my cheek before he steps back, letting go of my arm. Immediately my hand moves up but I quickly jerk it back down. Pretending like I didn't notice the kiss. 

I joke, "You got too close, be more careful next time or I won't let you harass me anymore."

His eyes glaze over, his voice get stern. 

"I will." He wasn't joking back. My face feels flush with embarrassment. 

I laugh awkwardly, "Eh' it's just a joke, I know it wasn't on purpose." Yeah, seriously, why would he kiss me intentionally. He probably just slipped, like I'd done before. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. 

His arms cross. His face still stoic. 


I laugh again. Then begin walking to the door. Too nervous now to ask what I'd previously plan on asking. My steps are quick and loud. 

His steps follow. I stop.

I ask, "What do you want James?"

"You have something else to ask me, don't you?" I turn around, shooting him a glare. 

"How did you know?"

"Why else would you still be here after the apology? I'm just your boss to you, aren't I?"

His arms are cross again. I cross mine too. A stinging in my chest erupts. I don't know why. Finally the courage to ask comes back, more out of anger  for his blunt words, than anything.

"I see, Mr. Park, I need Saturday and Friday off." 

He flinches. 

"How come?" 

How dare he question me. It's not his business. 

I lie, "Personal reasons." 

"Can I be of assistance?" He asks. Obviously aware I was being untruthful. I ignore it though. Getting straight to the point. 

"Is that a yes?" I question. 

He nods. I nod back a gesture of thank you before turning away again.

I shove open the door. Stepping out and heading for the stairs to leave. He keeps a steady pace behind me. Surprising he has the courtesy considering we're obviously fighting again. I don't know why, but we are. Did I start it or he? I don't care I'm just angry. I feel like a child though, angry over his blunt words, but they were the truth. Did I not want them to be? Or does he?

Why am I even thinking about him this way. Ugh. My chest stings so much, I feel even more upset. I can't right now. Think about this. Care.

It's not more than a few moments before I reach the door to outside. As I'm opening it, I hear him speak.

"Call me, if you need me... as more than a boss." I stop. Turning back to get one last glance at him. If just a look could break glass, his silver orbs boring into mine definitely would. I feel my face get hot again. Like it keeps doing more and more often around him. My anger from our previous discussion melts away unnaturally for me, as the stinging in my chest turns into a beating thump sensation.

I sigh then turn back away. Replying back barely above a whisper. 

"Maybe, James." I slam the door in his face. Running out and toward home faster than I have  ever  done before. 

Me and my stupid mouth.

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