Chapter 13: Remembering

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The park was unusually bright and pastel like in hue. Eye stinging pinks, yellows, and oranges were softly painted along nearly everything like a midnight sunset. I didn't even know such delicate colors could glow like that until we arrived. No wonder they say that its best to go here at night. Well too bad. I'm gonna enjoy the bright sun and this ugly design like a jellyfish enjoys the warm water of the beach. 

Jae-Hwa is dress perfectly for our adventure, even going so far as to wear some nice looking board shorts to fit with the rather hot afternoon. Park on the other hand, dressed in an all black suit. I'm surprised he's not sweating much. 

I must have kept my gaze too fixed, as Park almost immediately turned toward me with a sharp gaze and wicked smile. His hand moved up to flick my forehead. I didn't care to stop him. 

Just as he did the action, Jae-Hwa wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Squeezing the side. I brought up both my hands and flicked both their foreheads. Deciding now was the time to figure out our schedule. After hitting them hard enough that they both stepped away from me seething, I loudly stated our options. 

"Bumper cars, water log coaster, or Tilt-a-Whirl?"

Park whispered, "Bumper cars." 

"Tilt-a-Whirl!" Exclaimed Jae-Hwa. 

"Water log coaster it is!" I commanded. A sharp grin forming on my face. Park raised his eyebrow. On the verge of rolling said eyes. Jae-Hwa conversely, gave a low knowing sigh. 

I get a rather bossy at theme parks. The noise and the smells, can be a little intense, so its easier for me to decide everything in advance so I don't get overwhelmed or distracted. Honestly I don't even know why I asked. Yet with the answers are good to help with knowing what they want though so I can figure out the best steps.

The water log coaster would cool Park down, through soaking him to the bone; then we could do the Bumper Cars under the shade, and after the Tilt-a-Whirl. 

As we waited in line I pulled out my only snack to curb my initial hunger. After the rides I will engorge on all the treats I can stomach.

Park questioned, "Didn't you eat before we got here?" My gaze fell on his lips as I chomped on my snack.

I answered nonchalant, "Yes, Mr. Park." He brought me the food so he should know. 

Jae-Hwa chimed in, "Mr. Park, dear Ana is a deep bottomless pit with food. Did you not know?" Instantly Park stiffened. It was obvious he was perturbed. His hand grazed against the back of his neck while he gave Jae-Hwa a look I couldn't quite decipher. I shot Jae-Hwa a glare, finishing the rest of my snack. 

"Jae-Hwa, don't just go telling people that. You make me sound like a one-eyed goblin." Jae-Hwa let out a small snicker. 

"You're the one saying it Ana." I gave him a playful snarl before pushing him aggressively into the log seat, then hopping in myself. Park followed suit and soon we were all sitting waiting for the ride to start. 

Park was indeed soaked head to toe once the ride was over. This was probably the most extreme version of a water log coaster I had ever been on. It was great. Surprisingly Park made not a sound the whole time we were on. Jae-Hwa mainly laughed and I screamed a couple times, but all Park did was a gentle grin and an extra tight grip on the bar holding us in place. 

Next we went on the bumper cars, my favorite. I lost horribly, but I didn't care since I really just like going on for the bumping sensation of hitting, or being hit by, another car. Both Park and Jae-Hwa seemed to have a lot of fun too. Mainly hitting each other before each sometimes going after me. 

Now I was pulling both Park and Jae-Hwa to the Tilt-a-Whirl. It was then I felt something hit me. Something hard. I stopped pulling and moved my hand to touch my head, which was wet with blood, my eyes darting around focusing on finding the source of the sudden shooting of pain. Just then I saw another object coming my way. A hammer. Before it could hit me, James caught it. 

Then away in front of me, I watched as Jae-Hwa tackled an older man. Not that old, but maybe just about a decade older than us. 

He started screaming as Jae-Hwa slammed him down, "They killed my brother! They killed him!" At that moment I recognized him. His tired eyes. Hair greying way too soon. He isn't wearing a suit like he'd done then, but the image of the hateful glare he'd shown me then was now basked in tears and even more anger. He kept screaming about it. About what my parents had done. 

Suddenly emotions swept through me. I turned and ran as fast as I could. My body flooding with wave after wave of warmth from the pain now filling my chest. I'd almost forgot, having all this fun with these two. 

I don't deserve it.

A/N: Publishing supah late I knows. I gots it done though! >.< Now working on the chaps for the other stories. 

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