Chapter 10- Finally Revealed

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I was working a bit faster than usual, a little chipper as the day grew on, thinking about my planned meet up with Jae-Hwa.  I hadn't been swimming in a while, and that's what we had planned. At his place for privacy. I wonder what food he'll have there? Should I wear my ruffled suit so I can eat more? But my plain one is more streamlined for better swimming... 

My thoughts came to a crashing halt as Park dropped a couple of large folders in front of me. The loud thud of the plastic against wood pulling me from my distracted haze. He had managed to hold all of them with one arm before letting them fall in front of me, which I found impressive considering they looked rather thick, heavy, and unruly. A poor vessel for holding so many documents. 

I turned my attention toward the folders, opening the top one. Park stayed quiet. Each page had various details of accounts that had nothing to do with Title Corp. No these accounts were for something else. As I turned toward a page in the middle finally things started to make sense. These were accounts for illicit activities. Illegal media, counterfeit items, street vendor protection fees, banned foods, goods from countries we weren't supposed to work with, other things. 

My gaze turned toward his, he responded with a coy smirk. Had my suspicions been proven true? 

Park spoke, "These are for the Chi Goon Group, which I run on the side. Work on them as well. You have the time." I wasn't surprised he was part of a triad.

"Run?! The Chi Goon Triad? Famous for killing even the president once Chi Goon?!" But I was surprised he was part of this triad.

"Yes, I'm the head." And, that he was the boss. 

"They're monsters!" I didn't mean to yell that, but isn't the boss the one that killed the president?! Park chuckled. He crouched over slightly, already having moved even closer to me. His face almost at the height of my own while I sat. I could feel my chest starting to hurt. The words from his lips came out as monotone as possible.

"I told you I wasn't a nice man." Horses and cattle, I don't think the two compare! I made the loudest sigh I've made in a while. My eyes scanned back over the pages, realizing at least the illegal activities didn't seem to involve anything particularly detestable. Other than murder of course. I knew this would eventually happen. I didn't expect it to include so much pressure. Again, from the boss. Like my promotion offer here, I was quite sure this was not something I could reject. Even if Park was the leader of a group which was equivalent to hell itself, I couldn't figure how it'd be as bad as it's reputation, especially considering how he's been around me. 

Maybe there was more; maybe I should be open to the idea since I don't have a choice beyond such. Park pushed the folders toward me a little more. 

He questioned, "So, you'll do this from now on?" His hands were aimed at the folders while his eyes stayed on me. I nodded in agreement. 

"Yes Mr. Park, sure..." My response came out a little more passive than I had anticipated. I could hear a small 'tch from Park's lips as he turned away. Walking out the door in the same mood I had had before he entered. Now soured, but not completely destroyed. My heart, lightly pounding in my chest. I'm quite sure now it was at the sight of his back. Luckily, my face stayed cool. The door clicked shut.  

I continued to go through the folders, starting my work. Pushing back all the memories that would deter me.  Still, I couldn't get the most unsettling thought out of my head. 

Was I really doing this because I had little choice? Or was it because I might actually trust him? 

No, no, no. Can't be. I trust no one. Not even Jae-Hwa. Yet why did Park tell me this? Reveal these activities and assign me to do them. If he knew of my past record, and is part of a major triad, then he must know how I feel about all of this. Such blatant openness about this is the last thing I'd expect him to do. 

But he did.

Author Note: Technically I'm late. But I'm a late night creature of the dark so we're all good here. I count it as Friday!!! :P Anyhow, enjoy my humans.

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