Chapter 9: We were Something

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My arms were wrapped around Jae-Hwa. Shielding me from the cold air, hiding me from the night. He always smelled like roses and pine. He was all I had left, so long ago. I remember I would cry to him, but now I was silent. Harder than I was before. Darker. I confessed to him my deepest feelings as I laid in his lap, holding him with all I had.

"I'm afraid to feel anything Jae-Hwa... Anything at all."

"Why?" He asked me so calm. 

I breathed out, "Because everyone I feel for, good or bad, they leave me." He pulled me in tighter. I could feel a soft chuckle shake his chest. His turn to confess. Or question, more so.

"If I say I feel nothing for you, will that make you feel better?" I nodded. A gasp for air escaped me. Sobs pressed against the back of my throat. I did everything to hold them back.

I pleaded, "Please just don't leave me!" Tears were streaming down my face now. I wasn't as strong as I thought. Jae-Hwa's hand shuffled through my hair, holding the back of my head in a firm grip. 

"I can't." He whispered. 

"We're like family, didn't you say that?"

We only have each other.

Suddenly, he is behind me, holding me tight. Holding me back. There is dark grey and burgundy all around us. In front of me I see shadows, grey eyes piercing at me. A man's hands reaching out toward me. They're covered in blood. It's James. 

Jae-Hwa is still behind me, whispering words I can't hear. Just feeling his lips touching my ear. He's holding me so strong. So warm. 

But I can't stop gazing at James.

Suddenly I was jerked back to reality. Awake. 

"Jae-Hwa." The words leave before I can hold them back. Just saying his name brings a feeling of safety to my core. Blanketing me from the surrounding darkness. I haven't seen Jae-Hwa in a while. I'll give him a call. It's only 2 am. Maybe he'll be up? I grab my phone from beside me and dial the number with shaking hands.

Ring! Ring!

He picks up. 

"You haven't called me in a while An." His voice is smooth and calm as ever. Just as pleasant as I remember. Just as light. 

"Is that okay?" I question. 

"It is now." At his response, I can't help but smile softly. 

Like family, didn't you say that?

It'll be okay. 

Author Note: Posting this chapter early since I'm switching to posting on Friday from now on. Yuh its a shorty but goody. Getting the feel of the contrasting sides of Jae-Hwa. :)

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