Chapter 16: Trust and Fiction

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"His body was cut in multiple areas, though cause of death was found to be trauma to the head."

I slammed open the door to Park's office. He was there, sitting calm, holding a notebook. Barely reacting to the slam, he just flipped another page. 

"We need to talk, now. Off the clock." I blurted out. My fists tight against my sides and eyes already formed in a hard glare. Making the subtle wetness look more reflective of anger than the other emotions I dare not admit.

Park put the book down and looked up at me. His hands folded together now.

He questioned, "You saw the news?" 

"Yes." I answered through gritted teeth. My throat burning. 

"Are you okay?" He stood up as he said this. 

I couldn't believe him. 

"What the fuck do you mean am I okay?!" I practically yelled. Park stepped toward me. Getting close. Too close. His words came out softer than I expected.  

"What can I-" I raised my hand up, stepping back and away from him. What? He regrets it now? Killing him. James knew how I felt, he should never have done it in the first place.  Against my obvious wishes, he tries to move toward me again. This time I raise both my hands up, threatening to push him away if he comes any closer. 

My throat is past the stage of burning now. Its cold and aching like I had punched it from the inside. Stinging, hoping I'll finally let out the sobs that wish to escape me. I won't let them. I just continue, pushing out as much anger as I can muster. 

Revealing my shame. I scream everything I'm thinking.

"My family ruined that man's life, how could you take the only thing he had left from him! Did he not deserve to live?! What's wrong with you Park!" James suddenly becomes still. Unmoving, his eyes cold. The silver in his irises striking against his hardened face with a sharp intensity that cracked at the surface of my façade before I could control myself. 

A tear swelled up and dripped onto my cheek. 

Firm, he answered, "Why would I waste my time cutting him like that An." Was he saying it wasn't him? Really, after all I know, all I've seen; he'd deny this?

James continued to try and convince me. Saying the words I'd been thinking this whole time.

"You wouldn't have wanted me to so why would I?" 

Obviously, my feelings don't matter to him when it's convenient. That's how it always is; just like my damn parents. 

The memory causes more cracks at the surface. I can feel more tears forming. My throat giving. So I do the only thing that'll keep me safe, keep him from seeing. I swing at him with my fist.

"Cause you're a monster! Remember?!" 

He catches my hand. Locking my fist in place so I can't pull back. Staring right into my eyes. Seeing the tears I tried so hard to hide. He answers with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Oh I'm remembering, right now." A death stare following suit. I try to kick him, but he catches that too. 

A sob finally escapes me, but I still voice more anger.

 "Don't you have any shame James, or are you just like them!" He jerks me into him. Suddenly holding me in a tight grip. Forcing me against the warmth of his body. Keeping me from swinging again. As I know if I do, I may actually hurt him this time. I lightly rest my fist against his shoulder. My face pressed into his neck. Wetting the collar of his suit. 

His voice is quieter now. 

"Them? An, I'm not like them at all..." Is it true? I wish it was. It's so easy to blame him though. I've seen him do it. Wouldn't it make sense for all killers to be the same. 

Yet I was a killer too. 

So I know that assumption is false. But I don't want to trust him. No one. It's too difficult. Being betrayed can happen in a moment. Like now. He killed that man. He must of. Who else could of?

As if reading my thoughts. James answered, speaking through gritted teeth.

"Why don't you ask your pure Jae-Hwa about this. His triad is famous for these types of murders." The tears stop. Hurt fills me once more. I shove James back. Without a fight, he slams lightly against the front of his desk. Nearly tripping on some chairs in front. 

"What?!" I question. Stepping back, turning to run. 

It can't be true. What is he talking about? Jae-Hwa? No. Park really is lying. 

My feet slam against the floor as I lift my arm out to grab the door. Not paying attention to the direction. 

James tries to get up and run to me, but it's too late. 

I run right into a wall. 

My head hitting against a built in light. Blood pours into my eyes. 

The next thing I know, it's dark.

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