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"Ew! You're so dirty minded!" Mitch shouted at Scott on their drive to school.

Ever since Scott picked Mitch up last week, he offered to pick Mitch up and take him home for the rest of the school year.

To, ya know, 'save Mitch's gas'.

Although, Mitch didn't need to know that Scott just wanted to be around him more.

That'd make things awkward.

Scott smirked, "You sound pretty dirty minded while I'm fucking you-"

Mitch put his hands over his ears, "No!"

Scott rolled his eyes, "Don't act all innocent."

Mitch pouted and took his hands off his ears, "I am not acting innocent. We both know I'm a slut," Mitch said, "for you at least." He finished off.

Scott's mouth hung open, "O. My god."

"I wouldn't say gods name while we're talking about stuff like this, Scottie boy."

"You are so wrong."

Mitch shrugged, "So are you but, ya know what they say, two wrongs make a right."

"I think the saying is two wrongs don't make a right."

Mitch rolled his eyes, "Whatever."


Mitch kissed Scott on the cheek as Scott dropped him off at his class room.

"Don't cause any trouble, baby boy." Scott said.

Mitch giggled, "I won't, Scottie. Now get gone, you have a class to get to."

Scott chuckled and kissed Mitch's forehead before turning on his heals and walking in the other direction.

Mitch blushed and watched Scott walk away before going into his class room.

He took a seat near the middle. He liked the middle.

Let's face it. Teachers pay attention to the students in the front, because they're right there, and the students in the back, because they know that the students who sit in the back are the ones trying to get away with not paying attention.

But, oh those middle seats. No one pays attention to the ones in the middle seats. The ones in the middle seats fade in to everyone else, no one gives the middle seats the attention.

Which, is why Mitch sits in the middle.

Mitch likes the middle ground, he likes having just the right amount of attention put on him, not too much, not too little. He likes getting away with texting Scott when he should be paying attention because the teacher doesn't pay attention to the middle, only the front, and the back.

It's like if you were standing in a line, no, a crowd, you see the people in the front, and the people in the back, you don't really see the people in the middle, why? Because they don't stand out to you.

Unless they're abnormally tall, then no attention is given to the people in the middle.

Like middle class men. No ones pays attention to the sophomores. Just freshman, juniors a little bit, and seniors.

Like how much money you make. People pay attention to rich people, and poor people, but nothing for the people in the middle.

Mitch likes the middle.

No being noticed.

No being seen.

No fights because people don't notice him or see him.

Mitch loves the middle.


Scott got let out of class early because the teacher simply didn't have anything left to teach them and she's an overly lazy person so...

It takes him around five minutes to get from one side of the school to the other, so Mitch should be out of class by the time he gets there.

Which scares him.

Scott doesn't like Mitch being alone.

Scott doesn't like when he isn't there to protect him.

Mitch is small.


In Scott's mind, Mitch needed to be protected always, at all costs.

Scott was sick one day and Mitch came home after school, beaten up and bruised.

Mitch cried so hard that day.

He completely broke down in front of Scott. And, since then, Scott stayed by Mitch's side. If Scott was healthy, he came to school, if Scott was sick, he came to school. No questions asked. None.

Scott spotted a crowd of people gathered and walked towards it, Mitch's classroom was right on the other side and it was annoying that he'd have to move everyone out of his way to get to the room.

Scott was popular, yes. But not the kind you'd expect. He wasn't popular because people were scared of him. He wasn't popular because everyone likes him or because he was rich or a football player. Nope. He was popular because he was the tallest guy in school.

Which I guess made people a little scared of him because he could literally smash all of them.

So, because of Scott's tallness, once he was in the crowd of people, he could see who was fighting.


Of course, he fights everyone.

Scott rolled his eyes and looked at the other person.

His eyes widened.

"Move!" It came out of his mouth before his brain could process it.

"Move! Move! Move!" He kept screaming at everyone until he was in the middle of the circle.

He was on his knees, pushing Michael off of Mitch with a strong force, putting his hands on Mitch's face.

"My boy." Scott whispered.

Mitch coughed, "Hurts," he choked, "it hurts, Scottie."

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