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"I'm actually really nervous about this. Is this gonna be crucial for us?" Scott said as he turned down the gravel road towards their spot.

"We'll talk when we get there."

"Come on, Mitchie, we're best friends. You don't have to take me somewhere to talk to me."

Mitch shook his head, "Don't- don't say that."

"Say what."

"'Best Friends'. I'm working it up to- to say something to you and calling us that isn't helping so, no more talking. We'll talk when we get there."

"Okay. Okay." Scott whispered.

Mitch smiled a little and reached his hand over to intertwine their hands, "We'll be okay, Scottie. No need to worry."

Scott took a deep breath and nodded, coming to a halt and as they parked in their favorite spot in the whole town, overlooking it.

Scott took the keys out of the ignition and threw them in the dash board, unbuckling and turning to face Mitch.

"Okay. Just tell me. Just say it. I can't take this anticipation anymore. Tell me. Please." Scott said.

Mitch sighed, "I know we're friends, Scott. And I know that what we have is good right now but I want- need- more.  I really- really like you, Scottie. And.. and people always say we act like a couple and I always thought we did too. And you've said we're platonic but platonic people don't fuck all the time or- or call each other pet names or-"

"Are you in love with me, Mitch?" Scott asked, interrupting, "I'm sorry, just- are you?"

Mitch stared at him, taking in Scott's eyes, the way they looked when he was curious and anticipated. His lip between his teeth, a nervous habit of his. Scott's hair was messy because of how much he ran his fingers through. His brows were drawn together, head tilted to the side.

Mitch took in a shaky breath, swallowing a little lump in his throat, nodding slightly, "I- I think so."

Scott smiled slightly, "Mitchie..."

"No, no, it's okay. Just let me down easy. You can tell me you're okay with keeping things the way they are. I mean, I'm not even completely sure that I want to date but I'm willing to give it a try if you want to and-"

"Then be my boyfriend." Scott said.

Mitch raised his brows, "Sorry, what?"

"Let's date. Let's be together. Be my boyfriend. Let's be boyfriends. And if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out and that's okay. Just, let's try it."

Mitch smiled, shaking his head, "Yeah," he said, biting his lip, "Let's try it."

Scott nodded and grabbed the back of Mitch's neck and pulled him in for a kiss, lips molding together. Mitch smiled in to the kiss, almost breaking it but Scott refused to let Mitch pull away. Scott pressed his lips to Mitch's and snaked his tongue in to Mitch's mouth. Mitch moaned and pressed his lips further on to Scott's.

They pulled away, smiling breathlessly, their foreheads resting on the others.

Scott chuckled, "God you're beautiful."

Mitch giggled, blushing, "Stop that."

"I'm so glad you're mine."

Mitch smiled and leaned in, pecking Scott's lips, 2.. 3 times.

"I've wanted to tell you for forever now... I just thought you'd hate me and-and leave or something. I didn't want you to hate me." Mitch said.

Scott shook his head, "Could never hate you."

Everything was okay.

There was just one thing.

"I'm not even completely sure that I want to date-"

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