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not edited but wanted to get this chapter out for yall. Right now im starting to get ahead and write chapters when i have time and will only be updating when i have free time. thank you.

love yall and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Scottie??" Mitch asked, peaking his head into Scott's room.

Scott looked up from his bed, laptop on his thighs and a show playing. Once he saw Mitch he paused the show, looking g back up at Mitch.

"What's up, baby? I thought you weren't going to be here Ike another hour?"

"Yeah but I had time so I came early." Mitch said, walking towards Scott and crawling into the bed, "Whatcha watchin?" He asked as he cuddled into Scott's side.

"Friends. I haven't watched it in awhile and thought I'd revisit."

"Mind if I watch with you?" Mitch asked, looking up at Scott through his lashes.

Scott leaned down and pecked Mitch's lips, "Of course not, pumpkin. I have chocolate milk downstairs, do you want some?"

Mitch cuddled further into Scott's side, humming, "Not right now, maybe later. Wanna cuddle right now."

Scott kissed the top of Mitch's head, then pressed play, continuing the episode.

It was about two hours of them cuddling and watching friends when Mitch started to fall asleep in Scott's chest.

Scott played with Mitch's hair, making Mitch drift off easily, his clutch on Scott's shirt weakening.

Scott smiled lightly down at Mitch, kissing the top of his head and moving Mitch under the covers, making sure he was all covered before grabbing his phone and quietly walking out of the room so he wouldn't wake the young boy.

Scott walked down his stairs and into the kitchen. It was 1:03 on a Saturday and he still hasn't made himself lunch. He got the bread from the top shelf and meat from the fridge.

Scott made himself and Mitch a sandwich, for when Mitch wakes up, and put Mitch's in the fridge. He sat on the couch and turned to Netflix, putting on a random episode of Friends.

Meanwhile, Mitch was tossing and turning in his sleep. He'd been having nightmares about hurting Scott and about pushing Scott so far that Scott would just leave - move away and leave Mitch by himself.

Mitch wouldn't tell Scott, he couldn't. Scott would question why Mitch felt that way, then tell Mitch he shouldn't but Mitch would blow it off and would fight Scott about how Mitch can't even trust himself anymore. They'd fight and Mitch would feel worse than he did before he brought it up. 

Ever since the incident, Mitch has been getting worse and worse. Nightmares growing more intense, the lack of trust he had in himself growing less and less, and panic attacks getting worse every time hes intimate with Scott. Mitch knows how much he has to talk to Scott, he knows it'll forever haunt him if he doesn't talk to Scott.

Scott heard a loud "STOP' come from his room upstairs, causing him to throw his blanket off and run upstairs, throwing his bedroom door open.

Mitch sat on the bed, eyes wide and breathing heavy. His eyes looked over at Scott and, as soon as his eyes met Scott, Mitch burst into tears. He shook his head, repeating the words "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Scottie" 

Scott frowned, quickly walking over and sitting down, pulling Mitch into his arms and rubbing his hand up and down Mitchs back, "Its okay, its okay. Don't apologize." Scott said.

Mitch thought Scott was just being comforting but Scott knew exactly what Mitch was apologizing for

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