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Scott's parents were out on a date, so he took a chance to invite Mitch over to 'hang out'.

Just kidding, they're actually gonna watch a movie.

Nothing scandalous.

"No no, just bring the peach rings and popcorn." Scott said in to the phone.

Mitch nodded, in his kitchen, opening the top cabinet where he keeps his stash of stuff and grabbing the things Scott told him to.

"Oh! And the apple cider packets so we can make apple cider."

Mitch giggled, grabbing the box of apple cider packets, knowing they'll blow through them within the first few hours.

"Okay, baby. I got it. Is that all?"

"Mhm. But one other thing, I know maybe you won't want to because we're just now officially dating but you can stay the night if you want."

"Scottie, I've stayed the night before."

Scott shrugged, "I know. I just didn't know if it'd be different or something now."

"Well, is it different for you. Because if it'll make you uncomfortable or-"

"No," Scott interrupted, "I want you to come over, really, but since we're now official, I didn't know if anything changed for you."

"No, baby, nothing's changed."

"So, you're spending the night."

"Absolutely. I'll be over soon, honey."

Scott smiled on the other end of the phone, "Okay. I'll see you soon, baby girl,"

Mitch blushed, "Bye."



"Nooo," Mitch whined, "I wanna watch a Halloween movie."

Scott chuckled and sat behind Mitch on the floor, his legs on either side of Mitch, trapping him in. Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch's waist and looked over his shoulder at the stack of movies Mitch pulled out of their TV stand.

"It's only September." Scott said.

Mitch rolled his eyes, "Which is basically October," he picked up the second Halloween Town movie, "Were watching this!" He said, jumping up and putting the moving in to the player.

Scott rolled his eyes at him and pushed himself off the ground, walking over the stack of fuzzy blanket in the corner of the room, placed in the basket, and grabbed the blue one on top. He walked back over to couch and sat down, unfolding the blanket and waiting till Mitch sat down next to him to lay the blanket over to two.

Their snacks and drinks were laid out on the coffee table in front of them, peach rings, popcorn, chocolate, Reese's white chocolate ghost shape, and their apple cider. They pulled the table further up to the couch so that they didn't have to reach far to eat or drink anything.

Mitch cuddled in to Scott's side as Scott grabbed the remote and pressed play, setting it down on the arm of the couch. Scott's arm slithered around Mitch's waist and pulled Mitch closer to him.

Mitch giggled and snuggled further in to Scott, laying his head on Scott's chest.

Scott smiled and kissed the top of Mitch head, "Im so glad you're mine,"

Hours later, after Scott's parents came home and said a 'goodnight' to the two, Scott was laying down, Mitch on top of him as they watched the last of the Halloween Town movies.

Mitch snuggled his head in to the crook of Scott's neck, humming softly in contentment.

"M'sleepy," Mitch said in a tired voice.

Scott chuckled deeply, "Then go to sleep, baby girl, I'll carry you to bed when I'm ready sleep."

Mitch nodded and wrapped his arms under Scott's arm, holding on to Scott's shoulders.

Soon Mitch's breathing started to slow down and even out, breath coming out in small puffs.

Scott set a hand on the back of Mitch's head, rubbing circles with his thumb.

"I love you, Mitchie," Scott whispered, "please don't break my heart."

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