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WOWOWOW sappy, fluffy, chapter today but next chapter is when everything will start up.

This chapter is pretty long so get comfortable.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!


Mitch told Scott that he didn't need Scott to pick him up that morning, said he had some stuff he needed to talk to his family about.

Scott respected that and said 'okay', then told him to call if he ended up needing a ride or if he needed to talk, because Mitch sounded concerned on the phone.

"I love you, alright? Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Mitch chuckled on the other side of the phone, "Yes, honey. I just need to talk to them about something."

"I thought you already came out to them."

Mitch giggled, "Honey, I have. It's something else. Just go on to school and if I need a ride, I'll call you."

Scott bit his lip and grabbed his keys, sighing, "Okay. Will you at least tell me what you're talking to them about later?"

"I don't know, Scottie... it's just, something I wanna keep personal for now."

"Fuck, Mitchie, that only makes me worry more."

"I'm sorry, honey, what do you want me to say? I'll tell you okay? Just not... not now."

"Are you okay, at least?"

"Yes, yes I'm perfect, baby. I love you, alright. I'll call you later."

"Okay, love you... bye."

"Bye, hun."

After Scott hung up, he jumped in his car and started his way to school. He wasn't use to Mitch not being in the front seat with him, singing obnoxiously and smiling like a beautiful princess.

Instead, the radio was off and the car was silent and there was no smiling princess next to him.

Scott sighed and decided to pull into Starbucks to get himself a coffee, because he didn't have Mitch's crazy yell-singing to wake his ass up.

"Hi, I'll have a White Chocolate Mocha, I'll take that hot please."

"That'll be 5.59 at the window."

"Thank you."

Scott pulled up and zoned out as the few cars in front of him received their drinks. His mind was on Mitch, wondering what he had to talk to his parents about that was so important.

Scott was worried but Mitch seemed at ease, like it wasn't important but it was important enough to miss the first few minutes of school.

He guessed he should stop worrying, Mitch didn't seem worried, so he shouldn't be, right?

Yeah, right.

He's not worried.

Not at all.



He's lying to himself.

He's worried as fuck.

But Mitch will tell him in time.

Someone honked three times at Scott to move forward, flicking him off. Scott rolled his eyes and scoffed, pulling forward.

The lady slid the sore open, "That'll be 5.59, card or cash."

Scott smiled, "Card," he said, grabbing his wallet and sliding the card out of the slot and handing it to the barista.

She smiled politely at him, turning to slid Scott's card but stopped when another barista leaned to whisper in her ear.

She turned back to Scott, handing the card back, "It seems someone has already paid for you, sir. Here you go," she said as Scott took the card back.

It was a nice surprise but Scott was curious, "Oh, that's nice. May I ask who?"

"Im sorry, I don't know who. but there is a card that goes with it."

Scott nodded, "Okay."

The barista handed Scott his drink along with a card that said 'M&S' on the back.

Scott smiled at it and said a quick 'thank you' before pulling away and pulling into a parking space.

He put the car in park and opened the letter.

My Scottie <3

           I know you're usually the sappy one but I wanted to do something nice for you. You're always treating me and being sweet and now I wanna treat you and be sweet. It's not as great as you coming to my house and getting me chocolate milk and watching Friends with me, but it's a start.

         I know I may have freaked you out about the whole 'talking to my parents' thing but it's nothing big, I promise. Plus, It was a great time to surprise you with coffee. Sorry I couldn't be there but just know I miss you and our fifteen-twenty minute car ride to school right now.

          But make sure your schedule is free tonight. I think there's some things we should talk over. We can go to our place on the cliff on the edge of town and sit in the car and talk. We haven't done that in awhile and I miss it. I think this will be our most important talk though, something that'll change us, our relationship.

       Don't freak out, now. Which I know you are. Just like how I know you went to Starbucks.

        One rule though, once you see me, no talking about what's going to happen to tonight. You tell me I'm sweet and beautiful and compliment my makeup.

       I was totally joking, by the way, I do need a ride to school. Which why you'll see me in about five seconds.

                                           -Your Baby

Scott was confused at the last part until he heard a knock on the window. Scott turned his head to see Mitch at the passenger side window, a smile on his face.

Scott smiled widely and unlocked the car doors. Mitch opened the door and got in, sliding down in to the leather seat.

"Awe, babyboy..." Scott said, pulling Mitch in for a kiss by the back of the neck, they kissed passionately for awhile, then pulled away from each other, "Thank you so much for this, honey. You're so sweet, and beautiful, and your makeup is gorgeous. Did I get all of it?"

Mitch giggled and nodded, "Yes, baby."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"So when do I need to be ready tonight."

"Seven. Ill pick you up. Dress casual and don't be worried."

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