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"Baby! I got your chocolate milk!" Scott yelled walking into Mitch's house.

Mitch texted Scott and said he was craving chocolate milk and Scott showed up at his house thirty minutes later, chocolate milk in hand.

Scott walked pass the living room, saying hi to Nel and walking upstairs to Mitch's bedroom.

Scott opened the door to Mitch's bedroom, seeing Mitch with his computer on his lap, earphones in, and eyes attached to the screen.

Scott smiled at him and walked up to Mitch, ducking down and capturing Mitch's lips in a kiss.

Mitch knew exactly who it was, chin tilted up, he put a hand on Scott's cheek, kissing him back.

"Scottie, what are you doing here?"

Scott held up the gallon on chocolate milk, "I heard a pretty girl wanted chocolate milk."

Mitch smiled wide, setting his laptop on his bed and taking his earphones out. Mitch sat up on his knees at the edge of his bed and kissed Scott again.

Then, took the chocolate milk from his hands, pouting, "You're way too good to me," he said.

Scott shook his head, "Just treating you as you deserve." Scott said.

Mitch's heart was full of happiness, looking up at Scott and smiling. Thinking about how the hell he even deserved someone like Scott. Scott did shit like this all the time for him, for no reason but to see a smile on Mitch's face. And it made Mitch's heart full. Mitch's heart ached with how much he loved Scott. It seems cliche, right? But think about looking at a picture of someone you really like, and they just look so damn good that your heart is clenching in your chest. That's exactly how Mitch feels right now.

"Fuck, I'm so happy you're in my life Scott. I've never told you that but I'm- I'm so so glad I have you. You're my best friend."

Okay- yeah- sure, friend my ass.

Scott smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners, fuck, those smile lines, "Aw, Mitchie. I don't know what I'd do without you, honey. I love you."

"I love you too Scottie," Mitch said, sitting back in his heals.

"Now share some of that chocolate milk with me and we can cuddle up on your bed and watch a movie, yeah." Scott said, holding out a hand for Mitch to help him get up.

"Perfect," Mitch said, grabbing Scott's hand and getting off the bed.

Scott took the gallon from Mitch's hand, "Lemme get that for you, babygirl."

Mitch blushed at the name, "Thanks," he said.

Scott smiled down at him, "Youre welcome."

They walked downstairs, hands intertwined, on a mission to find two glasses to put the drink in.

They walked into the kitchen, Mitch walking up to the top corner cabinet and grabbing two glasses and setting them on the counter.

Scott stood behind him, one hand on Mitch's hip as he poured the chocolate milk evenly into the two glasses.

Mitch leaned back on to Scott, putting one hand over Scott's and resting his head on Scott's chest.

Mitch's comfort was over all too soon when Scott had to move to put the chocolate milk into the fridge.

They both grabbed their glasses and headed back upstairs.

Scott grabbed Mitch's glass from Mitch's hand as Mitch went over to long desk to open one of the cabinets holding movies.

Scott set their glasses down on the nightstand and walked over to Mitch, squatting down behind him.

Mitch pulled out 'Friends With Benefits', "Omg can we pleeease watch this one," Mitch said, looking up at Scott, "Please, Scottie. I love this movie."

Of course, Scott never says no to Mitch. Scott smiled at Mitch's begging and excitement, laughing, "Sure, baby, let's watch it."

Mitch smiled and scurried off the floor as Scott just stood up and walked over to the bed, taking the fuzzy blanket off the end and unfolding it to use.

Mitch put the movie in and pressed play before crawling into the bed with Scott, laying between Scott's legs, his back pressed against Scott's stomach and the back of his head resting against Scott's chest, eyes strained on the TV as he watched his favorite movie.

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