Ashfur & Scourge

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Requested by: @Malfoy_Overboard

Claws scratched at the ground in fury, the tom's fur bristled up. How dare that fox-dung humiliate me! Ashfur shook his head and growled under his breath dark blue eyes narrowed as he dug his claws into the ground.

"What does she see in Brambleclaw?! All I see is an idiot!" He muttered under his breath and flopped down. He muttered insults towards the she-cat under his breath, tail-tip flicking left and right.

"Why mess around with she-cats?" A low voice purred from the shadows. A small black tom with a white paw with a collar full of dog teeth stepped from the shadows. His ice-blue eyes were sharp as they stared into Ashfur's dark blue ones.

Ashfur blinked and got to his paws, fur bristled up more. "Who are you?!" He spat, standing his ground and growled.

The small tom gave an amused purr and slowly circled him, tail in the air as he looked him up and down. "My name is Scourge." He purred lowly, ears twitching.

Ashfur blinked. "Scourge...?" He mumbled and shook his head and looked at him. "Don't try anything. I could kill you within seconds, tiny little-" He was cut off as Scourge pounced on him, surprisingly, knocking him down onto his back.

Scourge smirked and trailed his claws on his throat before pressing a claw under his chin. "Don't call me tiny." He growled lowly. "And kill me within seconds? Ha!" He laughed in amusement. "Oh you're funny. I like you." He purred. He pressed his muzzle to his.

Ashfur's eyes widened in shock. "What in the name of StarClan are you doing?!" He yelped. He squirmed from under him before slowly stopping as he stared into the tom's ice-blue eyes, almost like he was hypnotized.

Scourge smirked and licked his muzzle. He got off him and smiled. "I'll see you again, Ashfur." He purred and vanished into the shadows.

Ashfur blinked his eyes before grunting and getting to his paws. He shook his head, eyes wide. What just happened? He mumbled before shivering. Why did I like it? Wait.. how did he know my name?! He shook his head. Crazy cat!

The next day Ashfur came to the same spot and sniffed around, eyes squinted before yelping as someone purred from behind him. He looked and pricked his ears as he saw the small tom.

"You look excited to see me." Scourge purred, eyebrow arched and padded over to him. He rubbed up against him. "Did that she-cat bother you again?" He asked, slipping under him and looked up at him. He got out from under him and looked at him.

"Uh no. Well maybe. I don't know." Ashfur mumbled. He shook out his fur and looked at him, dark blue eyes looking him up and down. He averted his eyes as he heard Scourge's chuckle of amusement.

The black and white tom padded over to him and licked his muzzle. "Is that what you wanted?" He asked making Ashfur, grumble. "I'll take that as a yes!" He purred and grinned.

Ashfur growled and leaped on him and they began to wrestle playfully.

They grew tired and laid down curled around each other, grooming each other's fur. Ashfur purred and stuffed his nose to his fur. So much better than she was! What was I thinking! I think I found the perfect one! He purred, eyes closing while Scourge burrowed into his fur.


Hey guys

I hope you guys enjoy it.

I'll be trying to post more often and I have some stories started so I might either finish them or publish them and update them as I go. Not sure yet.

Till next time..

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