Hawkfrost & Leopardstripe

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Hawkfrost sat with his Clan, waiting for the other three Clans to come. He had been made a warrior the day before and he watched as his sister, Mothwing, sat beside Mudfur.

He didn't know why she tired to be Mudfur's apprentice and the stupid medicine cat, says that he has to wait for a sign from StarClan. Hawkfrost will do anything to make his sister happy. He would have to make a plan to make her a medicine cat.

Hawkfrost scented ThunderClan coming. He saw Firestar, the ginger tom flicked his tail, gesturing for his Clan to go into Fourtrees. As he watched ThunderClan split up to greet RiverClan, one cat stood out to him the most.

A pale gray she-cat with dark silver dots on her hind legs and back and enchanting green eyes. She had one dark silver stripe along her spine that went down to her tail-tip. The she-cat's tail was slightly fluffed out in excitement as she looked around Fourtrees. Her lush green eyes fluttered as she said something to a tom from her Clan.

Once the dark brown tabby tom had left to talk to Stormfur, he padded towards the beautiful she-cat.

"Hello, what's your name?" Hawkfrost asked. Her forest-green eyes sparkled in the moonlight as she spoke.

"I'm Leopardstripe, I was recently made a warrior." The she-cat explained, her voice gently and soft.

Hawkfrost felt his heart pounding out of his chest as he looked into her round green eyes.

"I'm Hawkfrost, I was also recently been made a warrior." He meowed. She smiled warmly at him as he finished speaking.

Leopardstripe pricked her ears and twitched her nose as she glanced up to see ShadowClan. Hawkfrost felt her nervousness as she watched Blackstar running down into the Gathering.

'Why is she so nervous? Is she afraid of Blackstar?' Hawkfrost asked himself.

He shook his head and noticed that Leopardstripe had padded away to sit next to a pale tabby tom and a smokey gray-and-white she-cat. They looked like elders and the tom didn't seem to be able to see anything.

He padded towards her, but stopped just to be able to hear what they were saying.

"Mom, why does Blackstar always looks at me with disgust?" Leopardstripe whispered to the she-cat.

The pale tabby tom placed his tail on her flank and looked up ahead. The smokey gray-and-white she-cat looked at her with guilt in her blue eyes.

"I'll tell you when we get back in camp. Longtail make sure to ask Firestar if she may sleep with us in the elders' den." She meowed.

The pale tabby nodded and licked Leopardstripe's shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"I'll remember, don't worry Cinderpelt." Longtail meowed.

Hawkfrost hadn't noticed Blackstar looking at her that way. He shock his head and went with his Clan-mates waiting for WindClan to come and for the Gathering to start.

----skip to end of Gathering-----

Hawkfrost looked around for Leopardstripe as the leaders called an end to the Gathering.

She was talking to the dark brown tabby again and he wanted to talk to her before she left.

Leopardstripe glanced behind the tom and into Hawkfrost's direction. She smiled and gestured for him to come with a flick of her tail. He padded towards her and the tom turned around and looked confused.

"Hi Hawkfrost, this is Brambleclaw and Brambleclaw this is Hawkfrost." Leopardstripe meowed.

Brambleclaw dipped his head at the RiverClan warrior and looked up at Firestar, who had called for his Clan. He gestured for Leopardstripe to come with his tail and padded towards his denmates.

"Bye Hawkfrost! It was nice to meet you!" Leopardstripe meowed. Hawkfrost smiled and watched as she padded after her Clans.

He bounded towards his Clan as they traveled towards their Clan, hoping to see the gorgeous she-cat again.


Hey guys!!

Hope you enjoyed Hawkfrost's story.

By the way Leopardstripe is one of my warriors I made up!!!! Don't steal her!!!!! She is my fav of warrior cats I made up! Besides of Spikeheart.

Anyways, please give me request!! It could be your made up warrior cats too!! Just give me a lot of descriptions and your in!!!

And please read my other books!

Till next time...

Bye!!!! :)

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