Ashfur & Squirrelflight

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Request: @crazypewdiepiegurl2


Squirrelflight padded into the forest, feeling the cool breeze ruffle her dark ginger fur. Her green eyes filled with calmness and joy. The sun warmed her pelt as she reached the lake shore. Her ears pricked as she heard a snap of a twig behind her. She looked behind her shoulder to see the pale gray tom with dark gray flecks.

"Hello, Squirrelflight." The tom greeted with a purr.

"Hey, Ashfur. What are you doing here?" She asked.

He padded up to her and sat next to her, gazing at the lapping waves. His dark blue eyes glittering in the sunshine. Squirrelflight felt his flank pressed against hers and stiffened.

"I wanted to tell you something . . . I love you and . . . I was wondering if you would like to be my mate?" Ashfur meowed confidently.

Her green eyes flashed with surprise and uncertainty. Ashfur looked into her wide, green eyes waiting for an answer.

"Ashfur, I don't love you like that. I'm sorry, but . . . we can be friends." She meowed hopefully.

His dark blue eyes darken with dismay and hurt. He looked away and gazed at the lake. "Why don't you love me? I've been there for you all the time!" He hissed.

Squirrelflight, taken aback, backed away from him. He leaped to his paws and unsheathed his claws. She felt fear rippled through her fur as she deeply backed away.

"Answer me!" Ashfur snapped.

"I . . . I-I just don't . . . " Squirrelflight gulped.

"You'll regret this fox dung!" He growled.

He pushed past her, knocking her down in the process, hissing at her before leaving. She stared shocked as his tail disappeared between two bushes.

"What have I gotten myself into . . . "


Hey guys!!!!

Hope you like this chapter! I think I will complete this book and continue on my other books. Some have told me they wanted me to continue Spikeheart's Life, so I will finish Leopardstripe's Heart then continue on it.

And I have also decided that I'll close request for my art book for a while. I'll create my own art, but don't worry you guys I'll finish the requests that you guys sent me!

Till next time . . .

May StarClan light your path! :)

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