Squirrelflight x Hawkfrost

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Squirrelflight flicked her ears as she opened one eye. It was nighttime and everyone was in their nests, sleeping. She flicked her ears as she listened around her, making sure that the others were asleep. She silently got to her paws and stalked out the warrior's den. She glanced around the clearing and made her way to the exit. She bowed her head to the guard before leaving and padding through the forest. She flicked her ears and opened her mouth to taste the air to catch the scent of a certain cat. Her tail rose as she caught the scent and quickly followed it. She peered around the corner of a tree before purring as she saw the tom.

She sneaked behind him before leaping and landing on him, pinning him down. "Hi." She purred happily.

Hawkfrost grunted and glanced up at her before smirking and rolling and pinning her down. He leaned his head down and brushed his muzzle to hers. "Hello." He purred. He got off her, petting her get up. He wrapped his tail around her waist.

"We finally get to see each other again. I hate waiting until the Gathering. It's too long." Squirrelflight whined and softly muttered. She sat down beside him and rested her head against his shoulder.

"I know, but we must be careful. If they notice you leaving every night then they'll find out why you leave so much." Hawkfrost warned. He rested his head on top of her ears before beginning to groom her ears.

"And also that Brambleclaw is so annoying! Ugh! I hate him so much!" Squirrelflight growled. "I can't believe he's your brother. You guys are nothing alike! And Ashfur! He's even more annoying!" She scowled.

Hawkfrost looked at her, blinking his blue eyes before they narrowed. "If they are causing you any more annoyance tell me and I'll take care of them. Permanently." He growled lowly.

Squirrelflight blinked before head butting his chest, eyes wide. "No, no. You'll get yourself caught and I don't want that. I need you here and alive." She said. "Who knows what'll happen if you get caught. Besides my father likes Brambleclaw too much. I feel like he'll choose him to be deputy next."

Hawkfrost blinked. "More reason for me to kill him." He said. He softly muttered and looked ahead. "But if you don't want me to do anything then I won't."

Squirrelflight looked at him and smiled. She purred at him and licked his cheek. She cooed and wrapped her tail around him. "You're always so serious." She said. She nuzzled him before pressing her nose to his fur. She smiled and closed her eyes.

Hawkfrost looked at her before licking her head. "I guess I am. I'm just worried about you is all." He murmured. He nuzzled her head.

Squirrelflight purred in amusement. "I'm strong. No need to be worried about me." She said. She pressed to him. She looked up at the night sky before pressing her head to his. "It's time for me to go back." She murmured.

Hawkfrost blinked before softly nodding. He pressed his head to hers before pressing his muzzle to hers. "We'll meet again. I promise," he murmured.

Squirrelflight smiled and purred. She got to her paws and licked his muzzle. She purred. "I love you." She whispered.

They said their goodbyes and Squirrelflight made her way back to camp. She bowed her head to the guard and went to the warrior's den. She got in her nest and curled up. She wrapped her tail around herself and rested her head down. She closed her eyes. One day we'll be together. I just know it. She thought to herself. She smiled to herself before letting sleep finally consume her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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